Any good games with hag protagonists?

Any good games with hag protagonists?

Attached: 1_OdXqEAj_WnVpMp.webm (576x1024, 2.94M)

Grandma posters need to be banned off this board.

I don't want to be mean but that's a literal witch


>can still tell that she's an old bag of bones
No amount of make up will help disguise the crypt keeper at this point

I thought this was gonna be one of those funny clips where she becomes a 10/10 model at the end.

Lmao, she still looks shit

it looked better before the lipstick

worst part about this webm is that i would actually want to fuck her less with all that fucking makeup on.

female beauty is an illusion.

AAAAAAAH i want to fucc a granny

>average 25 year old white woman

It’s a face filter. Just some young woman trying to get attention

All that effort to look like a drag queen.

Make up should be illegal change my mind

>tfw noticing some fine lines in my face at 24
fuck it, if women can use makeup to hide their hideousness and deceive people, then so can I.

All that effort to go from old woman to bogged old woman


If only Celene was a foxy grandma or even just a plain Jane instead of being ugly as hell

Attached: fYZQHZ42eXXUt7c6D5YjLrq5.jpg (1024x1024, 334.08K)

>makes herself go from old bat to a unironic tranny

If she had a cock I'd want her to cum and shit down my throat

This is what happens to womens faces when they cake the makeup on for years on end. Natural beauty or bust.

This. Second 21 is half a second of her being an old hag still to the latter half second her with suspiciously smooth skin. Regardless, its still incredibe what makeup can do but like said, the lipstick ruined it. These older women all think big, disgusting lips are attractive. Its like a dude hanging on to some strand of hair thinking its good enough to still appear young when it actually just looks goofy or creepy.

The problem she won't ever be able to fix is the sunken-in eyes. You can see the outline of her eye sockets. Scary shit