Mentally ill female that thinks she is a boy

>Mentally ill female that thinks she is a boy
>Murders her mom for yelling at her and calling her a girl
>We are suppose to feel sorry for her and play pretend with her because she has a mental illness

How the fuck am I suppose to take this game seriously?

>inb4 not a mental illness even though doctors literally need to label you as mentally ill i order to get hormones and SRS

Attached: IM A REAL BOY.jpg (700x673, 124.16K)

Who cares

Im trying to enjoy this video game movie asshole so I care

Then go care about it somewhere else

in a post-apocalyptic world of all places

Do you guys ever get tired of talking about trannies

> Murders her mom for yelling at her and calling her a girl
What's the point of straight up lying?
Also ypu missed the part where she was given as a bride to an elderly cult leader

Do you faggots ever get tired of forcing trannies into video games?

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Did you miss the part where she literally murdered her mother as she screamed for her to shut up? Or are we playing pretend like the tranny?

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Tell western devs to stop forcing tranny shit on us.

Show me the cutscene where that happens schizo.
We only see the aftermath and it's implyed that her motger was trying to kill her/alert tge rest of the cult

>It's OK to force your daughter to have sex with some old man.

You can literally youtube it, even a boomer could do that you mentally ill faggot.

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I'll take that as a no. I can't really give a shit about them anymore

this dude actually beat the mental illness and is a man now

ITS A FUCKING BOY YOU STUPID FUCK. Misgendering kills you dumb motherfucker now delete that post and make it again but correctly

Transgender ideology is built on self hatred and the religious worship of shallow, sexist stereotypes. It teaches people that they were born wrong if they're a girl who likes kickball or a boy who likes having long hair and cooking. There's no reason a man can't fulfill the same roles and adopt the same traditions as a woman, and vice versa. There's no reason to "change" your "gender" in the first place because "genders" ought to be equally able to pursue their passions. The concept of gender identity is inherently sexist and limiting. It's built on bigotry. The man who came up with "gender identity" is a murderer who caused two boys to kill themselves. In reality all we have is biological sex. Your sex doesn't determine your hobbies, your roles, your fashion or your personality. You choose those things. As an individual. Isn't that a better, more free world? One where sex is all that exists and people are free to pursue whatever they want regardless of their sex? "Gender" is a needless restriction and it does not serve as a genuine identity. The logical progression of breaking down the differences leads to tomboys and femboys. It leads to people who don't let their biological sex influence their hobbies or fashion. The transgender cult is all about building up those limitations and enforcing them so strictly that any little boy who so much as glances at a Barbie doll gets put on hormone blockers so that he can be railroaded into becoming "a girl" because "only girls like dolls". We used to have a culture that said "if you're a boy you ought to like sports" and now we have a culture that says "if you like sports you ought to become a boy". We skipped right over the healthy, rational middleground that says there's no reason a girl can't play kickball with her friends without mutilating herself and taking testosterone.

>Murders her mom for yelling at her and calling her a girl
Lev claims that he was just trying to push the mom away.

>Lev: (cries) I just tried talking to her. I tried to make her understand, but she.... she just kept yelling. She started chasing me. I tried to make her stop. I was just pushing her off of me...
>Yara: Hey, hey, hey.
>Lev: Then she hit the table.
>Yara: Listen.
>Lev: Yara...
>Yara: You were defending yourself. You did nothing wrong. It’s gonna be okay, I promise.

We can't verify this story, obviously. It's possible that he/she deliberately killed her and is lying.
>We are suppose to feel sorry for her
I enjoy games/movies/anything more when I avoid second guessing what I'm "supposed" to be feeling. It's perfectly fine to hate Lev and blame him/her fully for everything that happened.

If anything, some of the more interesting reactions I've had to stories have happened when my interpretation drifts quite far from what the author probably intended.

Seek help

this brand of ironic posting will be the death of this board thanks to poe's law.

I played the game nutjob. The burden of proof relies on you. They live rent free in ypur head to the point of making you hallucinate things

Pedophilia is bad if it's with homos too

>will be
It already happened. Literally every janny and every mod on this site is the type of person who would post that shit in sincerity.

(I missed a spot, but I tried to write he/she because on the one hand I don't believe women can become men, but on the other hand writing just "she" doesn't feel adequate and would also imply that I'm more militant about the issue than I actually am.

Unfortunately any attempt to sidestep the issue leads to grammatical abominations like "he/she" or "they".)