Is it me or does Xenoblade Chronicles have trash gameplay...

Is it me or does Xenoblade Chronicles have trash gameplay? Feels like RNG or luck plays a big role in whether you win or lose against a boss.

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It's a JRPG. It's not supposed to have good gameplay.

>Feels like RNG or luck plays a big role
yes this is a major format to the concept of a game, you're supposed to strategize around it and try to introduce factors that you think will make it more consistent

It's not RNG but once you understand the logic it is all build and level, your actions in the field matter very little unless you are retarded

So what good is an JRPG supposed to have?

You can have JRPGs with good gameplay. Hell, it's the only thing SMTV has going for it.

Nah it's exceptionally bad.

Bad gameplay.

>Implying smt isn't 100% fucking right or luck based


>Feels like RNG or luck plays a big role in whether you win or lose against a boss.
Unironically git gud.
Try to learn the mechanics, build your team to make combo break -> topple -> daze or ejection

XC1 is pretty bad, yeah, though at least with story bosses you shouldn't have any trouble. The game isn't really that hard unless you're underleveled. The problem with the combat system is that it's too basic and the RNG in Chain Attacks sucks. XC2 has very good gameplay and I don't see how you'd have particular issues due to RNG here. There's lots of customization and lots of different party setups which work very well. XC2 also got rid of the heavy RNG in Chain Attacks. XC3 is more similar to XC2 than it is 1, I think it's still pretty good but feels like a bit of a step backwards compared to 2, the way progression works kind of sucks and it feels like they cut out some of the complexity, though after you unlock all the mechanics I wouldn't call it too simple or basic either. Unfortunately XC3 does have some RNG in Chain Attacks, but it's definitely not as bad as in 1.

Xenoblade X unironically has the best combat. Mix and matching arts and keeping up the chains plus having to pay attention to land the quick times for healing was really fun and a big improvement over 1. 2 was also very good, but it takes a while to get there, they unlock stuff too slowly. But I think like others have said it's very much "have the right build and you win by spamming" whereas X you at least had to pay attention to the order you spammed stuff in on fights.

1 is boring in comparison and 3 is just ok. Skell combat sucks, despite the rest of X.

>unironically praising QTEs and Xenoblade combat
>shitting on skell combat which actually made it tolerable
tendies are something else man

Skell combat is the most braindead the combat has ever been in the series. Use skills off cooldown in any order with no thought and you win every encounter you're not undergeared for.

QTE's are not an automatically shitty mechanic. They are shit when it's "press F to have your character do 7 actions and not die." They are fine when it's mixed in with a number of other mechanics that all combine to keep you on your toes and actually paying attention adding to the rhythm of the ccombat.

>calls someone a tendie while implying he's played the least popular xenoblade on a dead in the water console

You can only pick one thing to project as.

>QTE's are not an automatically shitty mechanic
stopped reading here and disregarded your post.

>eels like RNG or luck plays a big role in whether you win or lose against a boss.

you arent combating right.

stick to minecraft

I sort of like Xenoblade 2's ability to completely lock down enemies during chain attacks and keep them from doing stuff with the combos, but in Xenoblade 3 it's definitely a lot more engaging than that which is a good thing. I wasn't fully understanding how chain combos work, but now that I do they're a lot more fun.

>1 was boring
>2 was very good

I miss 2's chain attacks. As a standalone system, 3's chain attacks are perfectly fine. But I don't like how it just completely stops the flow of combat to let you take all the time in the world to selectively pick who is attacking with what. Like thematically, this is supposed to be your big finisher where you go all out, but in reality you can kind of just sit there and take a breather as everyone stands around. It just feels jarring to me. Also the chain attack music is kind of meh compared to most of the battle themes.

3 definitely has a lot of crunch to its builds though that I really enjoy. I like trying to balance which fusion arts match together both for effects and cooldowns/animations. I think I spend more time in 3 working on my builds, and deciding when to fusion vs when to just use a standalone art is a fun metagame.

You know, I never thought of it that way. Thank you for your compelling argument. Guess I'll go back to flowchart Melia for half the game or wait around for status effects to kill things on rikki while every fight with shulk takes twice as long so that I can watch someone get smacked in slow motion everytime their health gets even remotely low. Foresight was so well-implemented.

2 at least gave you way more options to actually mess around with, and trying to stack elements was actually interesting as a finisher and required thought put into your builds. Plus once you get art canceling everything speeds up to the point that you're constantly using abilities instead of ever standing around auto attacking.