Any Forums tells you game isnt fun

>Any Forums tells you game isnt fun
>it actually is

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>Any Forums tells you game is actually fun even though Any Forums told you it isnt
>it actually isnt

To be fair, it got a lot better since dead hard users were btfo'd.

I don't know what that means, I just got the game yesterday

It was fun for literally 30 mins, the gameplay sucks and it becomes boring really fast. Even with all the references to horror and horror games it still doesn't hold up.

consider yourself blessed

I dont see how anybody could have fun being chased down and being able to do nothing about it

Yup, you can't fight back. No weapons, no co-op. It's just "get the lights on or you're dead". There's nothing else, and there's no other mechanics to make the game that interesting.

Bless your soul

Survivors used to have a perk that gave them about 2 seconds of invincability and a small leap forward so each player would spam it to stall chases every minute.
Also the perk that lets them stun you if you pick them up after just being unhooked used to work even when the exits were open, so it was just free escapes.
There's co-op but its basic.
Also vhs exists if you want weapons and nobody plays it because monster is aids to play as until you gitgud
Evildead has the same problem but with lack of build diversity. You basically have 2 options if you play demon in ED

1vs4 is fundamentally flawed

Eventually it gets worse when you, as a killer player who hasn't played enough to prestige one character, are paired up against fighting two (2) people who have played so long that they've prestiged 20+ times.

2 vs 5 is where its at.

Explain how.

Imo I just think it hasn't been done well yet. Evolve was just a DLC mill, DbD are too stupid to balance properly, and the DbD clones are too new to be properly balanced yet.

Wait until you experience the community.

You'd be surprised to find that it becomes the survivors dabbing on killers because of looping and stuns

Imagine survivors that got 2+ seconds of iframes on demand whenever they felt like it with a relatively quick cooldown. Now imagine four of them having that with you as a killer. Now imagine having to chase them and not hit them expecting for them to Dead Hard and you waiting it out for 4+ seconds because missing means losing that chase.

>Play this yesterday take down all 4 survivors
>Give the last guy a pity win since it looks like he tried hard and I'm in a good mood
>After I stab him I picked him up a stand still so he can escape
>Still even after I do that he tea bags me at the hatch

Never showing any pity again next time I'll leave the last one the ground and watch him bleed out.

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>Showing pity to survivors ever.

Never, not once. Just remember, they'll never show pity for you. In fact, much like your story proves it's often the opposite.

Jane's fat ass is too much, its a running bullseye

Attached: dbd.png (1027x703, 1.01M)

That was a thank you teabag you triggered bitch

>Banned for camping players

>Banned for killing people with the gay flag tag

>Banned for hiding from the killer

Yeah, it’s shit.

Because if you're actually good at the game you basically dunk on the killer around the entire map?

>pic unrelated

The fuck are you talking about dbd is practically lawless unless you say no no words in the chat

>game is very fun but needless esportshit shoehorned in turns it into cancer

Nobody ever gets banned from DBD, it's a literal no-man's land.

>Banned for killing faggot ass toxic streamer who is really a troon in a full stack SWF group.

DBD is fucking shit, but this doesn't happen unless you offer proof otherwise. Legitimately the only way to get banned from the game is to say gamer words in chat. Triggering other plays =/= getting banned you autist.