Scarlet / Violet

If this is the map, where would you aim to visit first and why?

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nah man just let it die already

what do they eat?

Ain't that just the Maplestory map

thought the same

Whever the tranny gim leader is so I can fuck his bussy

Don't they canonically eat Pokemon? Or was that retconned?

The bottom middle is the player's home, right?

I very much doubt GF is going to entirely give the player full access at the start even if they're saying its more open. For example I expect you have to unlock the ability to climb, surf etc. The fact some rivers have bridges and some don't really lends to this too. Take a look at the snow mountain, only one part of the river has a bridge.

With that in mind based on the structure of the map your real only choice at the start is going left or right out of the city in the south, everything else is walled off by cliff face or rivers.

What I can't help but wonder is just the way the game clearly still has 3 starters, and yet has the legendary featured extremely prominently in almost all footage of the game.
Advanced vehicle functions are all but guaranteed to be mid/late game unlocks. But assuming the bike legendary is an early addition, doesn't that mean you'll essentially get two early game starters?

Or would the bike allow you to ride it while still refusing to aid you in combat for some reason? I guess it wouldn't be entirely unreasonable as that was kind of the deal in Legends too, but still.

Seems like they're going more for Breath of the Wild but done badly, so presumably the stupid legendaries will be fully functional after a tutorial section.

You can't catch and use the legendary until the end.

They still have another form to unlock. They don't look like their artwork. So there is probably some plot point to make them battle ready.

Not him. But Legends Arceus unlocked new mounts as you progressed through the game. As Arceus kind of feels like the prototype for SV, SV might follow a similar kind of progression.

Arceus was build on progression through smaller areas, while this supposedly lets you get to all 8 gyms at the start but doesn't accommodate actually having a good time with it. I don't see much point in locking traversal stuff if that's the case.

It makes sense, one of those towns looks only accessible via a cave or climbing. You would think climbing would be an unlock so you don't miss the cave progression.

whats the use going to the furthest gym when the game doesnt have any level scaling?

Stupid challenge runs. It's just typical gamefreak, listen to the fans out of one ear while the money printers drown out most of what they;re saying.


Its shunned across many small villages, but you know that Abra Ears, Jigglypuff sushi and hitmonchan glove steak are amongst the highest rated delicatessens in the pokemon world. Read a book

and how exactly will the players complete the challenge runs? by grinding for an absurd amount of time to be able to beat the final leader first, then cheese through the rest?
sounds like they overlooked this aspect, when they could have easily just coded in different teams for all the gyms depending on how much the player has progressed

Sneaking your way past all the trainers, getting to a wild Pokemon area where the Pokemon are stronger and throwing balls until you can catch something strong enough to take care of the gym leader.

>clouds over top right
post game or dlc? place your bets

Catch a pokemom near the gym.
Item or stall spam.
Remember Raids give you leveling tools at regarded rates. You can do a fee and powerless anyone. Or you can ignore it.

Yes, thus the "stupid" qualifier. There is no particular benefit to it but they'll act like it's an amazing feat despite it having been in fan games for like 15 or 20 years by now.

Too difficult, please understand

>when the game doesnt have any level scaling
Gym battles are probably going to have some kind of gym badge related level scaling.
I really hope this scaling doesn't affect wild pokemon levels or enemy non-gym trainer levels though. And I absolutely, really, really hope that it won't affect what types of pokemon that spawn.

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but this game literally doesnt have any way of catching wild mons similar to pla
what are players gonna do to catch wild mons? hack in master balls? go for insanely boring attempts at failing to catch wild mons-end up at pokemon center for hours?
what is up with pokemon fans who go to extreme lengths to defend incredibly retarded decisions?

That means creating 8 teams for gym leaders, gym trainers and all trainers in the game.
That's far too much to expect from GameFreak and is only something one person doing a Romhack can handle.

Pretty sure they explicitly said there would be no change.

Right around that white city and those flat mountains, in the top right
Because that would be about where I live irl

Battle the pokemon and catch it? What?

You don't need master balls to catch mons above your level. It's just rng

>explain the reason
>explain how people will use it
>offer no support for the change
>ugh what is up with pokemon fans who go to extreme lengths to defend incredibly retarded decisions
Fuck off

Yeah, that's exactly right, please think about the poor indie devs. If they have to work more, their overflowing bucket of money might be 0.0000001% less full of money.

Actually, does GF even see that much Pokemon money? Is that why they're so shit, because the PC doesn't actually pay them?