The roads are the dustiest

The roads are the dustiest
The winds are the gustiest
The gates are the rustiest
The pies are the crustiest

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the game is the ugliest

I am actually looking forward to the life action show. From what I saw they made 1:1 representations of the (F4) material, which isn't bad for set/costume design.
I think its confirmed that the main cast has a man of dark pigmentation, so that is a little off putting, but it will depend if they manage to get the right vibe going. Which is the part most video game adaptations just pathetically fail at.

the game is suckiest*

i actually forgot it exists ahaha

I hate grafixfags so much. They've ruined gaming.


You're the one who can't into gaming because of obsessions.

what does that even mean

Dude me too. I had that song stuck in my head after yesterday made me replay Fallout 3.

>Don't know why I left the homestead
>I really must confess

We're going home bros

Has nothing to do with graphic fidelity but lack of proper art direction. There are 20 year old games that look better than Oblivion and Fallout3/NV.

it's not even the graphics though, it's also artistically ugly. also, why should we ignore a whole facet of a work and behave as if it doesn't exist at all? just because you said so? or to have a good experience? i dont know about you but trying to behave as if i dont feel something (such as disgust) doesnt actually eradicate the feeling. such is lying to yourself, it only works rarely ever.

mere opinions such as mine which is that the game isn't ugly I recently hooked up my 360 to my old CRT tv and began Fallout 3 and I am honestly stunned at how good the game looks and performs for an almost 20 year old game. I respect that your personal tastes might not adhere to fallout 3's aesthetic, it is not for everyone but claming it is objectively ugly is retarded. just say you don't like it or admit that you're memeing. When was the last time you played fallout 3 without being intentionally angry about it? Considering how old it is and playing it on original hardware makes me appreciate how good the game really is, and aside from either being a grafixfag or just personally not liking the games theme it looks really good, according to me. i've played new vegas and 3 on pc and its all bugs, awful rendering distance and an emphasis on graphical faults which becomes highlighted by playing a 20 year old game with modern standards. fucking angst worrying about pixels and bugs rather than enjoying a game with silly quests and writing bunched with absolutely grotesque and and dark visuals.

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Why the fuck did Todd think that Fallout 4 should have the exact same fucking radio as Fallout 3???

Imagine if every GTA game had the same radio as 3 lmao

>objectively ugly
are you a literal teenager?
nobody says things like "objectively ugly / good / bad" seriously because value judgements are intrinsically subjective
you don't need to have people clarify that everything is their opinion in a conversation, you fucking autist, we all know.
and yeah, fallout 3 is fucking hideous in art direction and graphical fidelity, almost entirely due to bethesda being a company of talentless hacks using a potato engine

>The pies are the crustiest

Based nakadashi connoisseur.

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>fallout 3 is fucking hideous in art direction

I love how ugly the art direction is. It is literally the remains of an apocalyptic event, it's not supposed to be pretty, it's a grim reminder of a potential reality, that's where the beauty lies.

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Soooooo......bongo bongo bongo I'm so happy in the jungle I refuse to go

so no matter if they ban him
I'll still post, queer


200 years. 200 years and nobody once looked in those mailboxes, or took some stone or wood, or even those bottles. What is wrong with the mid Atlantic

>because value judgements are intrinsically subjective
Actually, they are not. They are normative. Preferences are subjective. Value is a social construct, it's established via discursive practices, not through single subjective perspective.
Check your basic axiology textbooks.

Also, Fo3 is fucking hideous and there is no way around it. The primary problem is lack of any effort to actually integrate the visual language, and over-emphasis on the wrong things. The game's hideous green tint is such a painfully bad and patronizing decision (because radiation is green - get it?!), and while the individual assets are on par with the garbage that was standard for Gen7, their use is completely illogical. There is virtually no use of contrasts, local themeing, the game struggles to establish even most basic landmarks. Use of LoD is awful, the world has zero verticality, which the game tries to hide by over-use of poorly textured rock formations which make zero sense as well.

This is a game that never even bothered to ask the question "what location are we supposed to represent here?"
Which is why you find fucking amish farm bands next to suburbia houses next to a fucking metrostation, all boxed in completely by random cliffsides.

Add to that insanely murky lighting, no use of sky or weather, and washing out that effective prevents anything resembling moody lighting, and the absolutely pathetic color pallete, and you have a lot of solid, SOLID justifications to call the game

He should have argued it is an objectively janky piece of shit game that would never accepted nowadays.

The same thing happened to the greater Las Vegas area, and that had the added benefit of not even being hit by nukes.