Play VRchat

Play VRchat

Attached: VRchatSylveon.gif (600x600, 3.92M)

God I wish that was me

I really wanted to until they added the spyware DRM.



Attached: butt.png (1920x1080, 1.19M)

how does NSFW content work on VRChat?

Nah, they added easy anticheat.

my ik and network and safety mods dont work anymore so no

Tons of games have easy anti-cheat.
Look up the list. You're probably playing one right now.

Attached: SylveonVR.png (1005x546, 668.58K)

why? because the game is dead after the troon devs added unnecessary malware?



Looked on their website and didn't find a single one, pretty relieved. Anyway, sorry that your favorite game got infected with it, can't consider it anymore.

Sylveon sucks I wanna be a Jolteon instead

Attached: ef1d7a1749c3d7cf1bda006775e0df83_e.jpg (1080x2732, 301.08K)

Damn vr furries need correction

I disable it in any game and wait for a mod to subvert it for multi-player. Disgusting CCP poster stop defending your botnet.

why Vr chat over second life, real question.

troon game

I want to stick my penis inside her and coom

I'm not, retard


Yo! C'mon user. We all love Jolteon too. But you can't be throwing hate on the sylveons, they have nothing to do with the troons just like the rainbow has nothing to do with f@##

Attached: __etna_and_flonne_disgaea_and_1_more_drawn_by_miyakawa106__e698bd88544375be98b3cfd225f363a5.jpg (1446x2048, 433.3K)

No thanks, I'm having more fun with NeosVR now anyways.
I do miss my favorite playermodel, though. The proportions on it are too fucked up for Neos's IK system.

Sex with furries is becoming more and more acceptable.

If I ever have my own place and 4 grand for a full VR setup then absofuckinglutely god I WISH THAT WAS ME

It's literally in the name

I just think Sylveon looks dumb with the flesh ribbon things

A shame everyone with an avatar like that is probably a pedophile or fat

what do you have against fat
