Why aren't people surprised about the existence of this thing? There's nothing like her in the world of Genshin

Why aren't people surprised about the existence of this thing? There's nothing like her in the world of Genshin.

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Oz is much weirder but nobody minds him either

There's all sorts of weird things in the world. Just because a person hasn't seen something just like her doesn't mean they'd be freaking out about her.

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onaholes? there's plenty of those. klee, qiqi, etc.

Is her demonic powers as a rightful prince of hell(male)

From the fishing dialogue, it implies there's more than one Paimon creature.

Hey retard, can't you read? It says "repost is prohibited."

People are surprised, Dainsleif even comments on the fact that he's never seen anything like her before.
The english fishing dialogue isn't canon since it's a deliberate mistranslation, she doesn't say anything about other Paimons in Japanese
Oz is explained as Fischl's own vision taking on a semi-corporeal body, which isn't unusual for visions. Paimon though, we don't even know if she could have a vision at all

some NPCs do act surprised at paimon

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it's normal for anime to have weird mascots everyone ignores

They fear her. They know how destructive she is.

And when the game reaches its end, you will have to slay her.

I hated this annoying cunt when I started genshit. But now I love her and enjoy our adventures together.

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Inevitably we'll probably meet other little critters just like Paimon when we get closer to Celestia. I'm guessing she's probably half of/related to the totally not Herrscher of the Void you met at the start of the game who cube'd you.

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I think the weirder thing is Gorou
>Not an adeptus
>Not a tanuki
>Just a dogboy
>No one mentions, moreso even acknowledges it

No one cares about dog girl too

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Paimon has the ability to obfuscate people's perception of her. Every once in a while someone manages to more or less see through but not enough to question it further.
A notable example of this is Rosaria. She almost gets suspicious but Paimon magic gets the best of her in the end.

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Isn't Paimon the name of an ancient demon king or something? Why does a cute little fairy girl share that name hm?

Beastfolk seem to be a common minority in that area of the world. Sucrose, Diona and her dad all have beast parts but nobody seems to mind them.

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All of the Archons are named after some demons from solomon's lesser key
Reading the story you learn that The Archon's are actually superpowered spirits that resided in Teyvat and used the invasion of otherworldly demons as a window to slay the primal gods of Teyvat and usurp their positions
So the fatui are dispatched and formed along with the abyss order to kill the Archons and Celestia to return power to the enslaved/slain primal gods