

Attached: feels.jpg (2770x1270, 167.5K)

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Shut the fuck up


Attached: 1658253199893440.webm (960x1200, 1.32M)

Attached: 4118725_vavacung_stray_evolve-01.png (891x788, 549.77K)

would've been more emotional if the game was longer. there wasnt enough time to feel attached to the character

They could've at least soften the blow by showing me unite with my cat bros

Gameplay was nothing special, but they really nailed the atmosphere and the feels.
This right here broke me.

Attached: str52754.png (1920x1080, 2.31M)

It was more about the MC's reaction than B12 himself. B12 was fine with it, he had already made up his mind.

why do I feel sad from these pictures alone even though I never played the game?

Because there is nothing novel in the game insofar as story goes, so you've been there before and you're just assigning emotions based on what you're seeing.

Did this cat enjoy elden ring?

Does his lil robot friend come back or does the cat even get a good ending?

The dialogue simply wasn't the to form any kind of emotional attachment to the drone.

>but they really nailed the atmosphere and the feels.
The atmosphere and environments is were the game excels, everything else was meh.

They both die kind of horribly at the end and the cat has a dream of reaching the outside before it dies. The sad moment is interrupted by a somewhat out of place statement about natives and anti gun ownership from the devs.

too dark for me to tell what's sad

I refuse to believe this

There's some nice fanart out there, if that helps.

Attached: steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.jpg (3840x2160, 402.09K)

Attached: FZKcLAYXkAIlQjH.jpg (2048x1448, 441.56K)

100% real, you can see it for yourself online.

Attached: Stray Screenshot 2022.07.27 - (1920x1080, 3.32M)

The devs left enough clues to imply he's on the right track to reunite with them pretty soon.

Personally, I like the open nature of the ending, cause it gets your mind going and it opens up discussion.


Attached: stray011.webm (1067x600, 2.87M)

What the hell are you talking about

Guys guys.. Hear me out

Stray, but its a catgirl. Go do it

>He doesn't know.

what? how? how did they die that make no sense at all

what laptop is that? the red looks really nice

Attached: 1659530491021734.jpg (680x649, 54.3K)

>cute homeless cat hanging around work
>already at catpacity at home so can't take him in
>no one else wants to adopt him
>super friendly and starved for attention
bros what do I do

Attached: sadseal.jpg (569x382, 67.82K)

an absolute garbage laptop.

you adopt him and just make do.

free friend, free happiness, free laughs, free love. why are you even asking?

Just make him the office cat