Remember when people tried to pretend this game was good cause it had a white guy in it?

Remember when people tried to pretend this game was good cause it had a white guy in it?
Lol that was the only reason.

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bruh its takin it to the libs you gotta support dat

Nope, I quie enjoyed the world and gameplay in this. Some of the characters were great too.

It actually was good. I seem to remember critics hating on it because of the straight White male protagonist but literally nothing else would have worked.

No, because it was actually a fucking great game. Easily top three games of 2019 and one of my favorites in many years. Nice try troon.

it was like that mad max game
a solid 7.5/10

This game was good though. Anyone who played it knows it was a good game.

I played it and it was boring trash. You just have no standards.

You are a colossal faggot and I'm not even that user

It wasn’t that good but it also wasn’t significantly worse than all the out her zombie games that were out at the time. Please let the zombie fad die.

it IS good

It was fun. Simple as.

It's good. Just good. Not exceptional.
I really liked that it was an open world game but didn't have a fucking absurd grind or bloated craft menus. If you routed the areas right you didn't even have to backtrack all that much even on Survival II, with no fast travel. You had pretty much everything you needed just from shit you looted on the move between objectives.
The biggest fucking problem was the weapon variety- holy fucking shit. If every gun kills zombie's in 1-2 shots then obviously im going to just take the gun with the most bullets. Even the sniper rifles aren't all that good because you can just shoot 2-3 times with the MG/RPD for the exact same effect with like 15x the ammo.

Sorry, I don't like eating shit just to own libshits. The game was fucking trash and it rightfully bombed because of it.

Why is the 1%er motorcycle helping out niggers, gays and women, and not on meth and raping girls?

Yeah the high caliber guns were shit even against humans. A m14 to the chest should be instakill but they tank like 5 hits. They have all the drawbacks like low ammo pool, slow fire rate, small mags but none of the advantages.

It's one of those games that gets better the longer you play it. The first few hours have limited gameplay because you haven't unlocked the fun side contents like destroying nests or killing hordes, and the story doesn't get more engaging until after you have to leave the first area.

ESL here.

Why do people say the game 'was' good instead of 'is'?

You can still buy the game right, wtf is was even for.

OP is trying to imply that people were pretending the game was good when it actually wasn't. It also implies no one is actually playing it anymore. OP is a Faggot.

Mad shit eater spotted.

> fictional white guy living rent free in OP's tiny brain since 2019

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boring soulless trash open world game and Sam Witwer is possible the worst voice actor/actor that still gets roles in the world
only fun part is riding the bike, but its nowhere near enough to carry it
refunded the game twice and pirated it three times so far trying to force myself to play it long enough that it "gets good"
it doesnt get good