What's the best way to start playing Wizardry in order? There are a bunch of versions for each game...

What's the best way to start playing Wizardry in order? There are a bunch of versions for each game. Which one is the best?

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>What's the best way to start playing Wizardry in order?
play them in release order.

Never played the first one. Don’t have much advice, other than probably to play the pc versions. I would probably start with five maybe? Not the best one but pretty good to start with. Also you’ll likely get a better wizardry thread on /vr/

I refuse to believe anyone unironically enjoyed Wizardry 1 for the Apple 2 since the 80s.

The thing people don't tell you is that Wizardry 2 and 3 aren't real games.
You are expected, and in the DOS version required, to import characters that beat the previous games. You can't even get off the first floor of Wizardry 2 without a max level teleportation spell. This is especially onerous given the permadeath.
All this means that there is no rpg progression in 2 or 3, so you're meant to just stomp around with your overpowered characters, occasionally resetting due to insta-death etc.
I enjoyed Wizardry 1, but 2 and 3 aren't worth playing. I don't even understand why they exist really, because even as "expansions" you'd think they'd have to add something to the rpg system.
4 is its own nightmare, and requires a compressive knowledge of 1-3. 5 is the black sheep.
I'd play 1, then skip to 5 or 6 and never look back except as a curiosity.

Anyway, on the DOS version you need to reroll your level ups, because sometimes your stats can go down when you level up. Other versions have different, slightly worse problems iirc (like load times).

In my opinion, the best version of Wizardry 1 (and probably 2 and 3, but I haven't played them for some reason) is on the Japanese SNES remake of the original trilogy.
Turn off the map though, a lot of the fun is making one yourself.

>occasionally resetting due to insta-death etc.
If you made backups of characters, you didn't beat the game.

>halfway through wizardry 3
>ninja decapitates half my party
>or a completely random teleporter trap sends my party into a wall
>oh well, better go back to the first floor of wizardry 1 and try again
By your logic no human being has beaten these games.

You probably didn't even beat Wiz 1

Only version of Wizardry 1 I played and completed was the NES version. It had no glaring issues that I can remember.

and also, resetting just means reaching for the power button before the game saves your death to disk, no backup required.

you havent even played these games and its obvious
youre still butthurt someone trivialized your elfen king olaythrough with arbitrary standards arent you
arent you
let it go
you beat the game bro. i promise

Those are the rules made by the dev. You didn't beat the game.
I did. with the identify glitch
That is hardware manipulation. You didn't beat the game.
I don't know what an elfen king playthrough is.

there's Wizardry "The Five Ordeals" and "Labyrinth of Lost Souls" on steam.

I believe they are new Wizardry rendition by japanese devs.
You could try to start here as playing these sort of game on DOS can be rough.

For my part, I've been filtered by Elminage Gothic.

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sure bud. i know you were traumatized by the incessant shit posting on your build and all but its over now. you can let go. you beat the game

this user on the left

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Walter Day bend the rules for Billy Mitchell when he allowed him to mess with the switches on the back of the Pac-Man machine just so he could set a slightly higher "Perfect" Pac-Man score.
The original Pac-Man has you starting with 3 lives and Billy Mitchell's so-called Perfect score done with 5 lives is fake.

do you have any clue of what llylgamyn saga does about this? does it makes it easier to import characters from one game to another or just remakes wiz 2 and 3 to be balanced out?

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I'm grinding my teams to be able to go through the 3-skull dungeons, wbu?

It's been a long while ago, but I believe I dropped the game after I cleared most of the first "normal" dungeons (There was one in a tree), and found myself getting killed way too fast on what seemed to be the next dungeon in line.

I must have fucked up my team composition or their equipment, I don't know.

I enjoyed the one for pc98, close enough

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Yup. The normal dungeons are the caves, the grotto, the tree and the mines.
Apparently it's mid-game from there, with the church, ice cave and sewers. I'm also losing a lot of the fun when you *have* to savescum every 20 minutes