Zenless Zone Zero

>Miyoho decides to create his own Genshin killer since everyone else is too incompetent to do it
Dangerously based

Attached: 1638518285675.webm (1080x608, 2.08M)

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Zenless Zone Zero can't kill Genshin. It's a Honkai replacement.

looks cute
does this also infect your pc with virus like genshin?

zero chance the ass peeking out of her torn pants gonna be in the final game

Idk ask your Any Forumsfriends

Seems like premium censorship material.
Anyway, it is free?
It is a gacha?
It is released?

I don't trust them

Attached: 1659727195410427.png (2688x1242, 3.3M)

Is it chinese?
then it does.

Just like that, immediate answer.
Also PSA, never fund these chink gacha games, that all goes towards the CCP

ZZZ is 16+ so they're allowed titties and skin

The designs look like shit. They're going for that retarded "urban" aesthetic.

What's the actual gameplay like though? I can go open pixiv or boot up Honey Select if I just want to look at babes


>someone on twitter calls out MHY on Anbi thong, telling people they will add her spats over her thong.

>Some intern just added spats over her panties without even fixing the fact that you can see she likes sexy lingerie.(look at her hips)

The censorship already started lol

Attached: 1659766367695214.png (1915x1079, 2.87M)

the trailer that came out months ago has shown her wearing spats

It is out?

Yeah, because they are censoring little by little before launch, like the video shows.
I'm not supporting censored trash.

>Had japanese characters
>no chinese character

I saw a webm of that one wiggling her butt like a cat before pouncing, I really like that.

If the gameplay is as good as it looks then I'm selling my soul to the gacha gods.

Stop fucking making these threads chang. I hate that we're going to have to deal with constant shill threads for this fucking GACHA game the same way we had endless threads for Genchink.

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its just honkai 3.5 with male furries in it

Attached: __ceobe_arknights_drawn_by_krin__sample-091a2fb033c4c3a1099814b822e28596.jpg (850x1177, 146.75K)

All these games play the exact same, you have the bayonetta dodge with even more iframes so maybe closer to nier automata, basic attack string that's the same for everyone with that weapon type, some character specific attack button, then their ultimate screen wide attack. Just download honkai impact 3rd, exact same basic action rpg.

>another gacha shit i will never play