Are its features really revolutionary or was it just a meme?

Are its features really revolutionary or was it just a meme?

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what features? its a dualshock in an uncomfortable shell

I don't know anyone who uses the touch pad for anything other than a button or anyone that leaves the adaptive triggers turned on.

Yeah, not really. Why not just use one once, instead of saying random shit? What compels this? It isn't going to kill you.

It's nice to have, especially when the Xbox controller costs the same and has none of the goodies. Gyro? No. Triggers? 2 springs. Vibration? The same 2 rollers used in the original Dualshock.

I don't like that it is so much heavier than the DS4.

Pretty much just a meme but it's a comfortable controller that I like more than the xbone one so it's still worth getting in my opinion

that's one thing I liked about the 360 over later Xbox One/SX. And the same here.
But it only really shines on PS5 games. And that's still limited too. ER would be nice with the features Demon's Souls remake had (like the controller speaker have arrow whooshing sounds, haptic feedback especially on the big weapons, etc).

Boo hoo faggot

I can't play racing games without adaptive triggers anymore. Forza feels empty.

depends, I use them to emulate weird shit

No real argument?
Go ahead and hate on the PS5. It's got 99 problems, but the controller isn't one of them (except battery life). I'm just calling out your bullshit.

you dont know anyone

The haptics are genuinely great.
But if you've played a switch, it's the exact same shit. It's not some generational leap from that.

Its very comfortable.
Haptic feedback is fantastic
Battery is decent
Its a dualshock man, its a fantastic controller

The touch pad im still not crazy about. Barely gets used

>exact same shit
Way to out yourself for not having compared them. It's the same technology, but the ps5 controller's actuators are multitudes stronger than joycons can ever be.

Just a bunch of gimmicks and therefor more that can go wrong and now these things cost like $q00 to buy

>shoot gun
>trigger moves
literally what

>Way to out yourself for not having compared them. It's the same technology
Thank you for agreeing. Stopped reading here as there was no point in delving into what I assume will be retarded fanboyism. :)

I kinda find the touchpad somewhat useful on PC since it works as a trackpad.

The only unique thing it has relative to other systems is the adaptive triggers (which are really fucking cool, if gimmicky), otherwise they lifted advanced haptics ("HD Rumble") from the joycons and finally adopted gyro as a selling point.

Gimmicks are good. You can't just compete on horsepower anymore. Horsepower wise, it's practically identical to MS using AMD too. But there's so much to do to enhance the sensory experience.. and yet it's rarely done.

I mean that sounds more impressive than the series x controller

The adaptive triggers and the size of the controller takes some getting used to but once I did the triggers feel satisfying to use. I wouldn't say the features were revolutionary but it's really to early to say.

Well yeah it's got more going on than the Sexbox. Unfortunately developers for the thing don't use it anywhere near as much, most of them use the trackpad as a glorified menu button for example.

You must play in bursts of 15 minutes then, that shit gets tiresome real fast.

I find it useless as a trackpad due to the hilariously low resolution.

It's a revolutionary meme