Most some then and nows

Most some then and nows.

Attached: LttP.jpg (3176x1539, 1.26M)

Attached: MGS vs Twin Snakes.jpg (1273x443, 421.22K)


pretty sure your then and now is older than actually then and now

Zelda wants to touch the sewage.


Right is better.
Left is better.

Left looks like cel animation frame.
Right looks like static illustration.
Neither is better than other if used appropriately.

Proportions on the left look like gremlins
Right looks more appealing

soulless vs soul

I don't see anything wrong with this
Plus you're on Any Forums bucko

contemplate the olfactory sensation
also I bet that at least one of zelda's poops is in there

They both have good qualities, I think Then looks a lot dingier, darker, etc but the characters in Now look better.

okay but why isn't he wearing pants?

Attached: 1658633310146022.png (512x512, 1.47K)

>ps1 version literally looks objectively better

>90's anime and mid 2000's

Give me old school all the way.

>Most some then and nows.
Did you mean to write 'Post'? Because putting 'Most' in there makes absolutely 0 sense. No wonder nobody in this thread knows what's going on. Great thread doofus.

Attached: 1635736101304.jpg (1080x1071, 145.48K)

The right is made out of assets from MGS2, which purposefully looks cleaner.

I wish.

Left: 1991
Right: 2003
hardly then and now
