Why does every game I play have some kind of bug ?? How is this considered a playable emulator?

Attached: PCSX2_1.6.0_Windows_10.png (300x190, 52.28K)

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well you can brute force it with software mode
ps2 emulation is pretty shit because it had no competition and was completely mismanaged, so bugs from a decade ago still exist

You have shit taste in games

All good games are already ported to PC, I just want to replay shovelware from my childhood in 4K.

Works on my pc, my phone, my tablet, my laptop and my tv

>it's fine bro just turn on 5 different hardware hacks and use a different video driver and remember all the different retarded settings for every individual game

But I wanna play on 4k pleb

What is your favorite ps2 game?

Attached: aHR0cDovL2NsLmltZ2hvc3RzLmNvbS9pbWdoL2ltYWdlL2ZldGNoL2FyXzM6MixjX2ZpbGwsZV9zaGFycGVuOjEwMCxmX2pwZyxnX2ZhY2...hdXRvOmdvb2Qsd18xMDIwL2h0dHA6Ly9pbWdob3N0cy5jb20vdC8yMDIyLTA3LzEyNDI5Ni8xODM2NTQ0Nzc3NGI4NzRlNDBmOGY4MTVmNWExN2M0My5qcGc~2.jpg (945x656, 216.41K)

Favourite all time? Spiderman 2

radiata stories

did you finally get banned for spamming

Not the same lad, I'm trying to play the harry potter games and they all have glitches up the ass.

use the wiki to find fixes for games, good luck user

>entire first page is muh incompetunce

Attached: 1659810416972.jpg (493x386, 33.02K)

what is your go-to weapon?

is this the pcsx2 schizo again?

He's right about pcsx2 tho

Qt interface is out with per game settings now. Literally adjust things once and then forget.

Any way to fix the frame rate dips?

see which hardware renderer works best, or compromise on resolution

1. Get a better PC
2. Enable MTVU
3. Lower the cycle skip/rate
4. Use another renderer

Resolution should have fuck all to do with performance.

>Resolution should have fuck all to do with performance.

Attached: 1471918840146.jpg (250x250, 23.72K)

I have a 3070, and Ryzen 5600x. Why the fuck can't it run at 4k without fps drops on some parts?

It's a ps2 game you dumbass. If you have a GPU from the past decade you shouldn't even have trouble with most PS3 or Switch games when it comes to resolutions.

Because you're a retarded shitposter.

because emulation is a lot harder than running a game designed for pc hardware

>It's a ps2 game you dumbass
so you don't actually know what you're talking about and just assume "big card work"