Thoughts on my wife?

Thoughts on my wife?

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She is cute with hair

what dogwater western game is this creature from

She needs to get some sleep.

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Your wife looks like a teenage boy.

Mortal Kombat number I don't even know. 11? There's so fucking many of them.

Your wife is somehow the worst one in this game except maybe the final villain and her second in command.

you will never be Japanese


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Four words:

Frostbite on your junk.

more like frosty braps to keep me cool during this fucking heat wave

Japanese website.
Ugly fucking facescan model.

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Your wife is a head stuck to a toaster.

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is that frost?

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>rim her ass

you guys do know people that use ice are not cold all the time right

with cassie cage powers can she speed herself up when have sex?