Does gender affect the stats

Does gender affect the stats...
Or is that an urban legend that fooled me until now?

What would stop me from using a male only team?

Attached: male-and-female-pokemon-used-to-look-very-different-based-on-these-leaked-sprites-2.jpg (1920x1080, 83.8K)


I wish I was a pikachu, I wish I could fuck a pikachu as pikachu

>Does gender affect the stats...
Only in Gen 2. Females are weaker.

>Thinly-veiled incel thread

It did in Gen 2, due to being tied to IVs. Same reason shinies sucked back then.

You would be fucked over by anyone that had Attract on a female pokemon. A single-gender team is inherently weaker.

>What would stop me from using a male only team?
Once again, somebody with female pokemon and attract.

That means humanity is in Gen2 because women are weaker, both mentally and physically.

Only in gen2. In that game, gender is determined by a Pokemon's individual stat values and it's mathematically impossible for a female Pokemon to have certain maximum values, but only in Attack (I think, I could be wrong).

In every other gen after, it's based on something new entirely. Each Pokemon has a gender ratio or is genderless like Magnemite. No influence from stats.

Gender in pokemon doesn't affect anything but who they can breed with for the most part(unless it's ditto) and sometimes the appearance is different from the other gender. I believe there's something in gen 2 about females being worse but that's purely because of how they coded the stats not an intentional mechanic.

Back in gen 2, IVs which influence stats also influenced gender. Female pokemon have lower physical attack IVs due to the way gender is determined, but this doesn't apply to female only species like Nidoqueen.

how long until pokemon are categorised with bodytype A and B instead of this bigoted binary gender system?

Op here. Does gender matter in hg/soulsilver too? Or it's NOT an exact copy of gen 2 right

It doesn't affect stats, but depending on the generation, it may depend on the same data that determines stats and other values like shininess.

Never because being woke would just fuck over the entire breeding system they've had in place since gen 2.

It uses gen 4 mechanics so no.

No, gen 2 only. HG/SS is gen 4. Every gen after 2, gender is meaningless outside of breeding and certain mechanics like Attract. That's it.

Thanks brosefs

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they're already removing eggs in gen 9 lol

Sounds reasonable to me