How is it possible that a modern engine like UE5 is written in a 30 year old programming language (C,C++)...

How is it possible that a modern engine like UE5 is written in a 30 year old programming language (C,C++)? How the fuck do you even write a game engine? Just with text? Its beyond my understanding.

It boggles the mind!

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>What is math
A notepad is all you need to code literally everything ever made.

But dont the lines of code stack up exponentially? Meaning Quake 2 engines compared to UE5.

Millions of lines by now probably. It's decades of building up.

because c++ is the most powerful language ever invented and you cannot change my mind

>How the fuck do you even write a game engine?
writing a game engine is hard if you try to do everything yourself. if you use lots of libraries to handle shit for you it goes from improbable to just unreasonably difficult. also the fact that it's using C++ is completely irrelevant, there are basically zero languages that rival it

it starts from shit like Pong and gets built upon by millions of people, its not a hard concept to grasp

How was C++ written? And why not use that?
have fun coding a game in assembly retard

basically you can use math to tell a computer how to imagine shapes, and then you can tell it to draw said shapes on your screen

>have fun
Oh, I am. ;^)

Language age doesn't matter, retard, computers still work the same as the past when inputing instructions, now there's more and they handle it at the hardware level differently. But you rely on the compiler to compile your code down to assembly level code so as long as the compiler gets updated new instructions can still be used if the compiler was updated any good. New shit modern languages are complete garbage, all languages after C are garbage, they are just adding bloat and taking away control so retarded monkey niggers can work together at the level of the lowest common denominator and the performance is multitudes slower, C is the easiest language if you can conceptualize how memory and CPU work and all languages after used it as the basis. GPU shit is all from the graphics API, the niggers don't let you interact with the GPU directly and only approved shit API works, those are all written in C. Making a game engine is 99% working with the graphics API, because that's really all it does for the user of these public ones, besides abunch of shitty libraries like physics and other garbage, and gives you a shitty editor.

if you aren't using Assembly you aren't really programming

It's literally an ant colony where there are millions of ants with specific functions/tasks creating a large working system. It's not something you're going to understand as a whole as an individual.

Are you asking how the C++ compiler was written? There are multiple independent compilers, but I believe the most popular are all written in C++. Originally, they were probably written in C, before they had the capability to bootstrap the language.

C and C++ are both still being updated. In fact, both languages have pretty significant revisions releasing next year. The language's age doesn't really matter though.

It's fascinating. How are words impacting what's happening
how did people manage to coordinate words with actual physics wtf

>30 year old
Try 50 and 40 respectively

If you haven't written your own compiler you aren't really a programmer.

But no one even uses those updates, most people still use C89 or 99, new updates are bloat, as for C----, they probably enjoy new bloat and fixes for problems caused by old bloat.

Because the words don't exist retard, it's just 0 and 1s bits stacked together to make bytes and math.

Try writing a C++ compiler and come back

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