Enemy forces you and your companions to flee

>Enemy forces you and your companions to flee

Attached: 1654818121518.webm (1280x720, 1.73M)

>running from a black bear
cowards and racist, typical white woman

Did they try to steal his jar of honey?

Could I, a grown man of healthy height and weight, throw myself at that adolescent bear and pin it or am I just dead meat

Did they leave the dog to die?

black bears are cowards lol if they had stood their ground and yelled at him it would have ran off

A jar of honey and a ham sandwich.

Or the big bear thought the little doggo was a fellow bear and wanted to play.

I don't know, but is it really worth the risk?

>enemy just wants a hug

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There is an exeption to every rule. better to not fuck with a bear unless you have something on hand that can kill or incapacitate it.

Black bear, yeah you'd have a chance if you were like Eddie Hall/ Brian Griffin strong.

If your just fat then probably not

I fed Oreos to wild black bears once, it was cool.

If that ape wanted to, it could've literally ripped his face off

I'm sure you could, but I'm also sure you'd have infections everywhere due to the multiple scratches and skin tear you'd suffer, maybe lose a limb or two and if you are lucky the bear didn't get your head or face you'll be fine, you could add deformation to your face, maybe go blind, etc... You are literally gambling which part of your body you want to lose and how disabled you will be. But I guess that will show the bear who's boss, right?

why are animals so fucking jacked despite having no body building regime
how jacked could a grizzly become if it had a perfect diet and went through the grizzly-equivalent of a muscle building program

>no fun allowed


Because they don't spend 12+ hours sitting in one spot talking shit to other bears and calling their moms whores. They are constantly on the move.

lmao that's just a black bear those things are harmless
even a cat can scare it away fucking pussies

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What happens next?

Oh don't worry user, If I saw you go at a bear trust me I'll lett you go all the way.

they have more fast-twitch muscle fibers, their muscles prioritize strength over small dexterous movements like ours which enable us to use small and fine tools

Their digestive tract is like 10x as long as ours so they can extract muscle building protein from grass and berries.

Animals have to get everywhere on thier own feet. Humans in sociteies without vehicles are also like that.

why he has no chill?

Average person just sees a bear, user. And the average person's education on how to deal with a bear is "play dead and shit your pants."

>enemy has rage mechanic.

Attached: angry.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

Unless it has cubs. They will fucking murder your face off.