How come there's no vidya about the Yugoslavian war?

How come there's no vidya about the Yugoslavian war?

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same reason why you dont have any about the korean war its a forgotten war

It would just be the modern warfare satellite bombing mission for 10 hours and you're hearing the screams of women and children.

Its a forgotten war because mutts got their shit kicked in by starving chinks.

not really they got their shit kicked in by rice farmers in vietnam but everyones heard of that war
yugoslavian war just wasnt major enough for anyone besides yugoslavia to care after a few years had passed

I was talking about the korean war where nato forces got pushed back despite sending the best of the best. Yugoslav war was just a massive atrocity that they would rather pretend never happened.

>murder unarmed innocent civilians
>get told to stop
>get bombed by NATO
>scream that actually you are the victim not the people you tried to genocide
Why are Serbs like this?

East europe is the Mexico of the civilized world

>NATO committing war crimes gets memory holed

Because in the west nobody cares about it and if some balkan developer would do it they would probably kick off a shitstorm from one side or the other.

Because no one here actually cares about uncivillized slavoid serbs who raped and genocided a entire race

>murder unarmed innocent civilians
They were muslim, here's their crime.

What was the alternative? Letting the Serbs genocide the Bosnians and take their land? The only NATO “war crimes” were bombs that missed their targets and accidentally hit civilians.

Just play any battle royale

Because the bad guys won

>get genocided by turkroaches and their mudslime allies for centuries
>get genocided by austrians in WWI
>get genocided by nazi croats and bosniaks in WWII
>forced to live in the same country as these nazis or get disappeared, many of the crimes got hidden to "keep the peace"
>demand fair representation in yugoslavia because you are the largest group
>rest of the states try to leave, while also claiming territory that's majority Serb, kicking Serbs out of homes they've lived in for generations
Serbs did nothing wrong, NATO got involved because Serbia is a Russian ally that could be bullied.

Yes, bosniaks had it coming. Murdering, colaborating shitbags

Kys jew

you forgot
>suck russian dick

T72 Balkans on Fire

>we have bad relations and fight everyone we meet
>must be everyone else's fault!!! we're just 'demanding' '''fair''' representation!
>genocided by turkroaches and their mudslime allies for centuries
maybe you shouldn't have helped turks attack all the other christians until you were the only ones left?

Yogo war was bands of 20 people shooting eachother. Everyday life in urban USA is more of a war

Attached: comment_1643840568988J7AalmZTdUlipT6HLGa.jpg (3318x3036, 1.2M)

irrelevant to the greater picture

Nećete u Čavoglave

Attached: 1657715606913.jpg (1254x1771, 2.16M)

because there is no good guys side both sides did horrible things like genocide,rape,war crimes etc it wouldn't fly well especially in a time like this

Little known fact: Serious Sam is based on develepers' memories of defending Zagreb against serbian hoards