Why does this have so much less longevity/replayability than other soulsbourne games?

Why does this have so much less longevity/replayability than other soulsbourne games?

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Fucking long and mostly recycled/barren.

quantity over quality

No soul, ironically.

The game peaks the secodn you enter Liurnia and gaze upon the Academy.

Its all downhill from there. Leyndell coudlve saved it, but its a dead, lifeless city with nothing to do.

Imagine if Leyndell wouldve been a NPC hub, buzzing with people, untouched by the war. FROM are hacks.

It doesn't
I played it for 600 hours

quantity has a quality all of its own user

Elden Ring's appeal isn't the same as other Souls games is why. ER is about the joy of discovery, the wonder of 'what's over that hill!?', whereas other Souls games are more about the sense of accomplishment, adventuring forward and overcoming trials. From compensated for this by making ER a 130-150 hour game to fully explore, which is about as much time even dedicated fans of Souls games will play them over the course of a few years, but condensed down into a single run. Once you know what's over that hill, there's no joy in looking again. Once you realize the build varieties and setups, you discover 96% of the world of ER is now pointless and without reward. Selling a game on the joy of discovery works, but only the first time you play, which is why you play it once and then feel drained with no desire to re-experience it until maybe years and years later when the memories have faded.

The American Mindsetâ„¢


>"Lonn Jevity"
Dumb word.

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Learn how to format your posts, kid.

This right here. Like most open world games, it's bloated, just to say it has XXX hours of gameplay. The legacy dungeons are all pretty fucking spectacular, but there's so much filler in between that it takes you out of it. I'm still working on my first playthrough, but I can tell you, if I replay it, I'm just running right to the legacy dungeons and saying fuck off to most everything else.

How should he have formatted it?

Because no one wants to read a wall of text.

>user using needless reddit space beneath post response complains about formatting

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Zero meaningful exploration, miyazaki really isn't good at directing games

Because you spend as much time in one complete playthrough as you would in 3 or 4 of older souls games.

All these answers are wrong.
Its because you can respec,making you use multiple builds in one game.
Calling ER this souless when DS2 exists is a fucking joke.

>1st playthrough: Pure Swordspear, nothing else.
>2nd playthrough: Dual wielding curved great swords.
>3rd playthrough: Golden Halberd, incantations.
>4th playthrough: 2-hand + dual wield katanas. Bleed build.
>5th playthrough: Base dagger. Limited levels and tools.
>Current playthrough: 2-handed Warhawk's talon with stand off. High crafting focused build.
Best longevity/replayability souls game yet.

Attached: itjustworks.jpg (640x480, 364.87K)

>1st playthrough blasphemous blade orientated
>2nd playthrough rivers of blood orientated
>3rd playthrough moonviel orientated

Dead pvp.
>No covenants
>Shit balance when invading
>Limited to only 4 players with most of the times it being 3v1 invader
>Broken spells and weapon arts that favour heavily the 3 gsnkers
>No arena
>No fightclubs (because of the same player limit)
>Even in duels some weapons are too broken and it's the most boring ones
>Broken buffs
The way they butchered PvP killed the longlivety of this game. They also killed previous games on pc.
I can't believe I'm missing ds3 now

Cringe, play a real PvP game genre, toddler

The combat is trash and the exploration is trash. Any souls is better.

Game is unironically too long for good replayability, pvp is opt in, enemies aren't worth fighting or engaging with second time around, bosses don't mesh well with the mechanics or feel as "fair" as previous entries despite not being particularly harder in a lot of instances.
Has relatively similar mechanics to 3, which makes it wear out a little faster since you're probably used to it.
Am I missing anything?

I feel like it just needed to be a little smaller scope, not a lot, with some more care and love poured into the mechanics, items and bosses than the world and levels, at least the open world parts. Could have used more time in the oven, and don't get me wrong, I like the game, I want to play more of it, but it doesn't feel like there's anything left to do.

Replayability is a meme. I dont know what kind of psycho would have the urge to play a Souls game again right after the first playthrough. That goes for most games.
It's just tedious.

The previous souls games were much more linear and short, so obviously its easier to replay. But sacrificing linearity in ER is worth it because the first playthrough experience is amazing.