Which one wins? (Mods included)

Which one wins? (Mods included)

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That's a retarded question to ask. DF wins but RW has more potential.

You could probably mod Dwarf Fortress into a better version of Rimworld.

Rimworld for better UI and general usability

DF wins once it's out on steam

>DF wins but RW has more potential
What do you mean?

Until the steam version DF is released, Rinwold wins.

When is the steam version of DF releasing? What's taking him so long?

rimworld wins solely for not having a dindu lives matter popup when you run it like DF did

>Tranny dwarves

Lol. Lmao even

Got to add trannys to dwarf.

one will never be released

And just like that, It went from a day 1 buy to a torrent download.

>Mods included
of the two, heavily modded Rimworld is the best. But heavily modded Rimworld is also a pain in the ass and if you mod it heavily enough you're looking at 30 minute load times, so it's a game where you plan out that you want to play it about an hour from now and you want to play it for a few hours.

they all excel at one thing or another.
Rimworld when you want a chill, semi-afk colony game while watching TV
Dorf Fort if you want to drawfag shit that happens, play out a story, print out maps and spend hours pouring over NPC family trees in LegendsViewer
ONI if you want to build cool machines and fuck with pressure/vacuum, melting or freezing things, gas & liquids

>mods included
Rimworld is one of those games that autistic modfags will jerk each other off over needing to wait 2 hours for their game to load their 2300 mods. good on you if you do that i guess.
they've nearly all died out since that one german richfag who's name we wont mention single-handedly killed DF's modding scene by stealing mods for his shitty modpack.
if you want to find good DF mods you have to look at /dfg/ archives from 10 years ago and hope that the mediafire links havent died.

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Gives me something to fill my magma ocean eternal prisons with.

DF is too compilated
No your games UI is absolute dog shit

He's working on it.

Rimworld by a mile, nearly everything DF has is also on Rimworld with mods.

Except for a good z level system.

play a real game

the UI is perfect
it literally tells you all options available on the current menu you're on, and they're hotkey
90% of the time you're using [d]esignate > [d]ig or [b]uild > [w]orkshop anyway.
mouse-based right click menu trees are retarded, slow and inefficient