League of Legends


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I love china so much bros


He looks like fat sylas without the pelt. The fuck were they thinking

Praying they never touch chogath

Don't be hypocritical, you fucking faggots

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At least Udyr isn't fat

League sux but the card game is ok

looks really fucking disappointing

Such an uninspired design that caters to Americans.


I prefer his current look where the hide on his head changes to match the animal of the stance he's in rather than just change the colour of his arms like they've done in the rework. Isn't he supposed to be a monk? Why is everyone inspired to make masculine warrior characters look like fat Thor from marvelshit?

I love Sona's huge breasts

Not really a rework, his skills are pretty much the same

Just use the ultimate skin then

I wouldn't mind designs like of LoL before they went all in with China pandering, my problem is they're now making pozzed shit now.

No dodge runes
no buy

>auto attacks you to death
jk jk i haven't played in 6 years, i don't know whats going on

So essentially Fiddlesticks? Unless you're trying to tell me the Rework just changes his model, animations, voice, etc and all they really did was tweak the damage?

>rework gameplay trailer
>literally a mashup of 3 second clips of udyr right clicking champions with sub 300 hp
>zero clips of him running fast
What the fuck were they thinking

they gut him lol

im glad i dont play this crap anymore

Riot is so fucking retarded it hurts.

They added a puddle to Phoenix, maybe it's an ultimate now?

fat rob zombie

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Yea pretty much, he still just charges stances and auto attacks.


Fuck Riot for supporting fags and trannies.
Fuck Tencent and their mass surveillance commie bullshit.
And fuck you niggers for still playing this game in the year of our lord 2022, how pathetic are you?

- Dota 2 Enjoyer


The abilities are out. He can still level phoenix whenever (aka it's not his ult).

His actual "ult" is that he can re-cast his currently active stance while it's on cooldown to super-charge it. Q normally I think is still single target max hp shred (not dots though), so it just shreds harder. W shields harder. E gives him an unstoppable effect for like 1.5s with a bigger movespeed buff. R apparently the AOE storm moves independently from Udyr, I guess like Viktor ult? The CD on supercharge is apparently 40s flat, and decreases by I think they said 5% every time Udyr stance switches and lands 2 autos (think Lee Sin passive - you use a move, your next two autos are faster and do more damage)


>still kinda looks like old udyr
>abilities still resemble old udyr

Riot is a bunch of fags and all, but this rework doesn't seem as soul destroying as the others.

why is he from freljord instead of ionia now?

Take the ARAM pill

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Sona is(not) for you

What's the worse rework in LoL that ruined everything people liked about the champ?


Idk, Mordekaiser isn't from the Shadow Isles apparently. Be glad it's actually a white guy, someone from the Freljord, and isn't another female or Ionian.