Worth a play if I like immersive sims...

Worth a play if I like immersive sims? I've heard it has a cop-out "it was all a simulation" twist which makes me annoyed

Attached: Prey_cover_art.jpg (220x270, 18.94K)

You're thinking of Mooncrash. Prey has a differeent ending.

The narrative is built around the twist, it's not a cop-out.

Deus Ex also has dissapointing endings, do we hate it now too?

Yes, the first few hours are the finest immersive sim experience in over a decade and remaining few hours are good too. It doesn't quite stick the landing though.

I never really understood the complaint of "it's just a tech demo" until I played prey

While your milage on the ending will vary dont let it detract from the really good game before it. If you liked System Shock 2 odds are great you'll like Prey.

Your parents never understood why people do abortions until they got you.

It's really good, but has a huge problem of it being too easy unless you somehow limit yourself when getting upgrades. The ending would definitely bother the casual crowd that wants a "we defeat bad guy and live happily ever after" finale, but I really enjoyed it. I think it played off the rest of the game really well and was pretty unique.

It isn't that good.

It's ok, but it really lacks on weaponry and enemy variety.

>enemy variety
Enemy variety is fine for 70% of the game. It's only in the end that they stop introducing new enemies.

I got it for free from Epic Games and realized you just walk around all game hitting shit with a wrench.
That's fucking retarded so I quit.
Good thing it was free, I would have been pissed if I had given someone money for it.
Alien Insurrection was also a fucking piece of shit in exactly the same vein as this game.

Imagine not playing the best imsim of this century just because you spoiled ending
LMAOing @ your life , faglord

It's alright
If you find it annoying at first despite liking stereotypical immersive sims like Deus Ex, tough it out for a couple of hours; it clicked for me at that point and I consider it a 7.5/10 or so overall

>immersive sim
Hate this stupid tranny phrase along with "UX"

The ending is good, only midwits would be filtered by it.

>just go unga bunga shotgun nigger and solve 99% of the game's challenges

The grenade that turned stuff into cubes was cool.

It's not immersive. It's another action/fps-rpg hybrid.. thing. moment to moment gameplay is enjoyable enough, space is fine, powers are good enough.
It's a perfectly serviceable sci-fi timesink if that's all you want. If you want to screech about MUH SVOL then no, it's not gonna do fuck all for you

Enemies respawn

its fine, i wouldn't really call it "immersive" though but it has a nice enough atmosphere.


No it's shit.

The games enemies got old fast. It's boring to shoot at black blobs instead of humanoids of some sorts

thats not it bro, keep trying. Play literally any VR game that isn't alyx, thats a tech demo.

Contrarians will disagree but this is System shock 3.
Biocuck is a shallow rip off
And Tencent shock 3 will be marvelized for mass appeal with loot boxes when it comes out in 30 years