Is Uchikoshi one of the best game directors of all time?

Is Uchikoshi one of the best game directors of all time?

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I really wish anons who want to talk about politics would just fuck off to Any Forums

I regret playing the Zero Escape games now.

Thankfully they all flopped in Japan, as did the AI games. I don't even think AI 2 was a big success anywhere either.

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cry more bitch not my fault rightoids dont use facts and logic

>jap tries philosophy
>Fails to deliver his point effectively because his language isn't precise enough

Literally who????

This is literally 4D chess. Now trannies have to worship him as God even though his games are full of anime horniness trannies hate. I've already seen some of them defending/praising this aspect of his games (including Jewson himself in the replies) so it's working.

This so much. Now if you shit on him or the games you'll just get called a bigot.


I also wish devs who wanted to talk about politics would just fuck off to Any Forums too

Whhat the fuck?

When did that hack Uchikoshi become one of Japan's "best" game director? Since fucking when?

that just means people can't claim samus is trans

When he started catering to the politics of the people now claiming he's the best, same as it's always been

>since when

when it could push an agenda

Trannies fucking love anime horniness though. Why do you think most of them have anime girl profile pictures? Most of the time it's literally "straight" men white knighting for trannies that are crusading against anime horniness, not trannies themselves.

>one of japans best game directros
Dude's so good he doesn't even sell any copies.

>>Fails to deliver his point effectively

This might be a lack of reading comprehension on your part.

every time you reply to this thread a tranny dies.

What the fuck is a "physical law" and how does that relate to genders

He is now (for them) because he is pro-disease.

Didnt the portag from ai1 made fun of the tranny bartender and compared him to a fridge?

That might even be true, however your replies have no effect on that outcome

Its literally just because he's shoving lgbt stuff into his games now.
999 and vlr are GOOD at best 3ith ztd being trash. AI 1 and 2 are decent at best and he's still super niche in the gaming world to where ever kodaka has more clout. No one would consider uchikoshi top tier unless they loved 999.

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What do you mean user, all his recent games sold Somnilium copies.

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Action leads to reaction.

The hell. I doubt half of these people even know who this guy is let alone played his games. And even then he makes fucking VNs.

What is wrong with these people. It's actually insulting to call him one of the best director out there. It'd be like calling god damn SWERY one.

He'll call you an obsessed loser for trying to get into an internet fight with him about his opinions on gender identity, so yeah he's pretty based

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>rando director comes and states the absolute obvious while raking in the zoomer generation points

he's really no different from the usual SJWs except doesn't get ostracized because "his opinion isn't with the current times" but ok