I want to go back

I want to go back.

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it was unironically more fun than playing in 2006
having 10k concurrent players all crammed onto one server was kino

>tfw Nostnewfags think any server with

world of warcraft peaked with nostalrius

It was the peak of MMO gameplay

They will never know the joy of the low pop server where everybody is chill and super happy to be there

How low pop is too low pop?
Would ~300 concurrent players be too low?

>Playing literally exactly the same game for 100th time.
When will there finally be more english servers with custom content?

Attached: 1646227158405.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

Project ascension and turtle wow are doing pretty good, prime time is over 2k players

Play Turtle wow

>turtle trannies shilling their spyware
Go back to /wpsg/

Hello Blizztard

can I see the server pop / faction balance anywhere?
it's really the one thing that pushed me away from official classic

yes, even ffxi private servers have more than that

Nostnewfags think vanilla server limits (~2500) is low and dead.

I unironically miss this nigga and his inflated ego.

Attached: alex.png (633x357, 411.59K)

I miss it so fucking much

*slams desk*

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kronosfags still seething

It's crazy how ridiculous Blizzard has become and how detached from gamers they are. All they have to do is create a virtual environment for gamers to sperg out in. And random Russians and slavs continue to outperform Blizzard simply by letting people play the game.

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