Is simultaneous usage of a gun/knife practical at all?

Is simultaneous usage of a gun/knife practical at all?

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It is cool, and that is all that matters.

What a retarded question. You are fucking braindead.

In certain situations. When your handgun is out of ammo, and you're in a close-combat situation, it can be useful to drive a knife into an enemy's vital point. Other than that, no, they are not practical. In contradiction to what fiction will lead you to believe, killing someone with a knife is not very stealthy. Victims take several minutes to bleed out, and will be screaming the entire time.
But always carry a knife. They are useful tools, and don't rely on finite ammunition. They only require periodic sharpening.

The mythbusters tested it, there is a certain range that you're better off using a knife than a gun.

I mean it beat an empty hand and doesn't effect your aim.


Didnt you ever play MW2 you use the magnetic repulsion between them to propell yourself across a room to stab dudes

Wouldn't it be more practical to hold the knife in a dominant hand, or is Snake ambidextrous?

How so? It's not like smaller guns would be that cumbersome and you don't suddenly become unable to shoot when they get too close

Are you talking about 21 feet range?

only if it doesn't impede your shooting

Exactly, he carves the grip so he can fit the knife handle in and still hold the gun properly, if he gets into a close quarters fight he doesn't need to unsheathe his knife

Considering how Snake is supposed to be the greatest warrior of the 20th century, it's safe to say that he's definitely left handed.

you use your forearm to steady your aim and if need you thrust to give a quick stab
the way snake is holding it is silly and kind of dangerous

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Why do you think people cut throats, you are beyond retarded its wild.

He carves the grip to fit the knife in so it shouldn't impact his shooting

How does this reload?

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i went to uni with a sf dude (kinda nutty and incelly constantly bitched about women fucking up military)

but from what he told me, he used his knife for utility/tool rather than a weapon. told me he was taught to use hand to hand combat to get to the closest gun rather than to kill.

I've heard that as well, makes sense, a gun can put someone down much faster than a knife, even at close range

this method isn't practical for a sneaking mission

You have 5 fingers. Use your middle and ring to pin the knife to your palm. Pointer and thumb can grab the mag.

I play quite a bit of VR and it is very useful there. Sometimes things can be too close for a gun to be the fastest way to react. The knife acts as defence while the gun as offence. It is good for fast cqc encounters or putting distance between you and the enemy

Hey heads up next time you want to really give some validity to a claim dont use "i play quite a bit of VR"