Redditor managed to write a better Hydaelyn trial fight than the Fujo

>Redditor managed to write a better Hydaelyn trial fight than the Fujo


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Other urls found in this thread:


Still seething and posting this, huh.

Shut the fuck up. You FFXIVfags are annoying.

Go back

"ZODIARK STANCE" is my favorite new meme from this game's retarded community.

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This dude's getting memed on by the r/shitpostXIV crew pretty bad Forums_lvl_89_manga_edit/

The dude and his Discord friends are seething and accusing the OP here of "copyright infringement" for posting an edited version of his comic (which is literal fanart of an IP he doesn't even own LMAO).

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Jesus christ

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>r*ddit link
>duplicate thread
Kill yourself

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So is posting autistic fanfiction just how we start threads now?


>Redditor with infinite personal time not under deadlines or personal responsibility wrote a thing better than X

the age old cry of the basement dwelling nerd


So thees guys are pretty much openly admitting to brigading the r/shitpostXIV thread mocking the comic in defense of the comic and they have the gall to accuse other people of "brigading" the original thread on the official subreddit?

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Um, fact-checkers?1?!?

Why walk when you can ride?

she's a tragic heroine that did literally everything right, why does this upset people? the ancients got munched on by their own creations like fucking retards so its not like anything valuable was lost when their society exploded from Meteions sad beams

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Not to mention it's shit, I originally wanted us to have to fight zodiark and hydaelyn, (not in a mock prove your worth way), how they did it was good. This is just edgy I hate God cause bad exists writing.

This is the cringiest shit I have ever seen in my entire life.

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>>Pretty sure this is copyright violation. Doesn't matter if you found it on Any Forums, it's a modified version of the original artwork without the artist's knowledge or consent that you're reposting.

LMFAO FFXIVfags are some of the most sensitive people... They're gonna sue Any Forums guys!

>venat... le evil!!! le bad!!! le hitler!!!
What sort of mental illness is this?

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Soulframe better

How will the anonymous hacker ever recover?

The "Venat is Evil" crowd (who are all massive Ascian simps which this comic is evidence of) remind me so much of the same people from WoW who super fanboy'd over the Night Elves and Lordaeron. The guys who would endlessly seethe over how "Blizzard butchered the Night Elves" or how "Lordaeron should be an Alliance city".

Like the same type of arguments and the personalities of these people is almost virtually identical.

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Dont care but I like her figure and titties.

Emet was a mistake

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>Blizzard butchered the Night Elves
They did though. Literally turned into fertilizer.

Damn bird, needs correction.

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>saves the story and the game's final act

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>I feel like alot of people in this thread are handwaving the absolute horrors wrought by Venat in stating "The WoL would never ever act this way in a million years to her" especially after he traveled to Elpis. What Venat did is essentially what Leto the 2nd did in Dune to follow his "Golden Path" she killed millions upon millions of men women and children ancients for the sake of her mission that none agreed with. Before its said sundering was raping and killing them as it was an explicit violation of bodily autonomy and the death and dissappearance of functioning aware conscious experiences to never be a fully formed person again. Venat committed Genocide on her kind and nothing you say will make it not so. While I respect Venat for her decision and the necessity of her quest to beat Meteion as I cant see another way to beat her it was still a fucked thing to do. Sorry OP you have to deal with Venat simps in this thread.... your comic presents a very real and important perspective the WoL could have especially after experiencing ancient society.

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Everyone had their reasons to do what they did.

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Their entire problem with Venat centres around the fact that they're massive Ancient fanboys who headcannon'd Hydaelyn as evil due to Shadowbringers, and when not only their headcannon was proven to be wrong in Endwalker, but Venat was revealed to be Hydaelyn and singlehandedly yeeted the Ancients out of the story, they got super mad and are still to this day coping and seething over her.

They make bogus arguments that "Venat committed genocide" (which is not only not ture as shown by the Nier crossover recently which confirmed the Ancients didn't die from the sundering, but the story never even remotely suggests it was genocide). Meanwhile they completely ignore or excuse Emet and the rest of the ancients actions (they unironically think the Ancients mass-sacrificing themselves to feed Zodiark was justifiable as well as Emet's genocides of entire worlds because it was "for a good reason"). Somehow in their minds the writers were justifying genocide with Venat.

Not to mention FFXIV has a long history of making us sympathize and outright be forgive people who've committed heinous atrocities (Gauis, Yotsuyu, Emet, Fordola, Nero, just off the top of my head). But Venat does similar and they lose their fucking minds.

They're just giga-ancient simps who are mad Venat singlehandedly ensured the Ancients are gone from the story and are eternally seething at her over this, despite the fact that she's now super-dead, meanwhile Emet gets to be reborn depite everything he's done.

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I really enjoy how the people who say "Venat could've told the convocation" completely forget that, not only would it be dangerous and jeopradize the timeline, but it would potentially make things worse. Because for starters, she doesn't have any proof to make them believe her claims. We, the WoL, had to go back to the present, and the memories of: Hermes, Hythlodeus, and Emet-Selch were altered and cannot be restored until they return to the lifestream. But mkst inportantly, even if the convocation did believe her, they would've doubled down even harder. Emet-Selch explicitely says that he would not regret nor hesitate to do the actions of his future self. He would not forsake all the sundered ancients and would do anything for them.

Venat turned us into animals and lalafells, she is the most evil character of the entire series.

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God I hope Any Forums doesn't lost the trial! That'd be awful!