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two bear

>just finished playing new vegas with NCR sniper build
>see this thread
aw yeah

Meh, they pay me just fine. Never hard to get contact hunting something down for them.

>Do every single goddamn thing in my power to save the Mojave chapter of the NCR, helping and reinforcing every single camp
>"Have this civilian award lmao"

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Homo and commie

I like the NCR and know they're the right choice solely because of how much they make everyone else seethe
>fascist slaver legion seethes
>soulless corporate house seethes
>autistic technocrat brotherhood seethes
>faggy anarch-communist followers seethe

what are you talking about, every faction makes eachother seethe, thats why they’re enemies
house makes ncr and legion seethe
legion makes ncr and house seethe
ncr makes house and legion seethe
the brotherhood of steele seethes at everyone

is the HOI4 with fallout mod any good?

It makes no sense why the courier continues in the main quest, why does he give a fuck about finding the guy who robbed him
In fallout 3 it at least makes more sense why you'd want to find your own dad

2bear lmao

its alright but much like HOI4 it runs far too fucking slow even on a decent pc

>do a bunch of work for the NCR as a contractor
>realize after the third assignment I haven't gotten paid for anything I've done expect some pocket change from Hsu and the privilege of robbing from the lost and found box
>wtf assholes
>abandon missions
>nuke both them and the legion
Good riddance

goddamn i miss the days when i was playing through fallout 2 in the summer as a 16 year old without a care in the world.
listening to 90s cali rappers while driving through post-apoc california in a highwayman, going back and forth from a bunch of different exotic locales doing quests. nothing like that feeling


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Literally his fucking job.

>someone shoots you in the head
>ah well haha live and let live i'll just forget it happened????
dumbass if someone shot you then you'd be out for blood too

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Why does it have two heads?

Unlike 3 the main quest isn't given the same immediate priority or direct urgency.
Also this
benny shot you in the fucking head.

It's a western you fucking dumbass.

verification not required

Death to ncr
Death to California

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