Turn Based Video Games


Ok so i'm about to lose my queen, an important an irreplaceable asset of my army, so i decide to move her out of danger


What the fuck? i have no saying in this? How is this turn based if i don't get to play my turn?

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Nobody tells this guy about Sleep and Paralyze in Pokemon

Why do you keep making this moronic thread? No one fell for the bait the first time. I refuse to believe you're actually this stupid.

i just want a thread about chess

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>Every space the king can move to is blocked
>”I don’t have any valid moves looks like it’s a draw ;)”

Name a more bullshit game mechanjc

*sprays diarrhea shit all over op and his gay dumb thread*


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>white goes first
How the hell has this game not been canceled?

I despise turn based shit with passion

It leads to funny situations among low rated players where someone is clearly about to win but they don't know how to checkmate so they end up blundering into a stalemate.

you don't even get chess by the looks of it

>balanced beginning
>get in a unfavorable situation after many turns
>can't escape unless paying the price of his bad strategy
you just got outplayed in a turn-based game, that's the catch

im sure there's a thread on traditional games, so go there


i want to talk about chess the video game not OTB chess (very different)

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Stop making this stupid bait thread about your shitty board game.

Maybe don't allow your king and queen to be forked next gamr, you dumb retarded grills nigger.

Fun fact: White moving first wasn't formalised until the late 19th century. The Immortal Game, for example, had Black move first.

I know this is a bait thread but I cannot even fathom what user is trying to imply here. Is he pretending to be mad that the game isn't letting him actively lose? I do not understand.

You can still win this game and take his knight on the next turn. Start moving your pawn up and hope he forgrtd about his bishop then your rook can move forward. The right side of the board is blocked but even without a queen YOU can still hold the left side of the board

>be modern game
>Slight inconsistency in a level has led to a 51% median win rate for one side
>Entire level is taken down and remade
>Be chess
>One side sports a 55% median win rate
>Nothing happens because muh history lesson
Chess is a joke

it's because of this retard rule (that didn't exist in the past) where the king can never "fall" on board, his fall instead being implied by the checkmate
so if you can never send your king into suicide (illegal move lmao) and the enemy player can never kill your king and instead needs to autistically checkmate instead, scenarios where there are no legal moves left are inevitable and must conclude into draws for whatever reason

personally i always ignore this dogshit rule when i play with my mates

this is not real, that's so fucking stupid