Point Lookout.. home

Point Lookout.. home

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Based. PL is 10/10, literally New Vegas tier, the best thing F3 has.

lil tyke son

I could never hear the ghoul guy the same way when I realised it was just the Dunmer VA

Was The Pitt any good?

>Point Lookout is easily the best part of F3
>Far Harbor is great and the ONLY good part of F4
Why don't Bethesda make their entire games take place in weird, spooky swamps?

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Yeah, there isn't because the explorable areas are pretty small and the DLC in general is very linear. Definitely good for a run or two though, to see both endings.
Point Lookout > The Pitt > Broken Steel > Just turn off the fucking game > Zeta = Anchorage

*Yeah, there isn't much replay value

Dead money is better

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imo dead money is the best fallout dlc

I agree, I wish DM wasn't such a cakewalk, combat-wise though. Ghosts die in 1 hit of the bear trap fist most of the time regardless of your build, and you can't make yourself forget where the hologram emitters are.

It's not only that, they keep relegating their good writers to DLCs while keeping that retard Emil employed to do his shitty main stories each time.

Elijah is based. Is the ending where you side with him and release the red cloud to the mojave a cut thing or is it a real thing?

Emil should be lynched and made as an example to future writers on how to not do things.

Yeah its in the game. What was even the reasoning for releasing the gas into the Mojave? I dont remember

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Favorite DLC of all time. I absolutely love this biome, don't know why. Love Far Harbor for the same reason.

It depends. Do you think you'd enjoy exploring a steel mill filled with mutant cannibals? If so, you should like it.

The problem with the Pitt is that it's very linear; you could wrap up the story in about 2 hours. A large chunk of it us hunting down ingots in the steel yard for some pretty good gear. The story is OK though, actually somewhat morally ambiguous, not just "authority bad"

Point Lookout > Pitt >> Anchorage > Broken Steel (specifically what you DO in the DLC, not counting level cap increase and new perks) >> Zeta

Elijah went legitimately crazy. He wanted to just wipe out the NCR, which hey, I'm with you there, but as his mind deteriorated it became more fuck everything.

He wants to release the cloud and security holograms to wipe the Mojave clean and then rule over the husk, killing anything that enters.

He just wants to live out his I am Legend fantasies

Yes. And whatever you do. Do not leave without the Perforator. Don't be a pussy.

Is point lookout worth it? I played fallout 3 a few years ago and basically stopped before finishing Zeta, and left Point Lookout and the main story mostly untouched.

Interesting map and story I guess, don't remember anything else
Kind of boring because the gunplay in 3 just isn't very fun and the map is pretty linear. The stealth suit and gun are cool though
Also not very interesting imo. Fuck aliens taking multiple shotgun headshots to kill

Point Lookout is absolutely fantastic. The only reason you might dislike it is if you really hate a swamp/bayou biome. Good selection of new gear, tough new enemies, lots to explore, decent quests, fantastic setting.

Pitt is similar, good setting, good gear, decent enemies.

Anchorage is meh, change in scenery is nice, good gear. Zeta is fucking shit