Why don’t we see Duke Nukem anymore?

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A combination of how badly it would go down with the whole over sensitive woke scene, and the gigantic financial failure of their last released game.

Safe to say that anybody with enough money to back a game sees Duke Nukem as a financial and social landline.

Sorry - not sure if you wanted a genuine answer or if this is Any Forums bait, but my answer is genuine.

>Forever sucked donkey dick
>Duke is too """toxic""" for today's market
>Too outdated for zoomers who are used pussy protagonists with feelings and other faggy crap
>mfw i they ever make another Duke game they'll most likely make him like in those shitty reddit-core memes by that tranny lover Gianni

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At lest duke 3d is still fun to play

I feel issue was DNF was a parody of the character and franchise itself, while 3D played the humor more subtlety and not straightly in your face. There’s a reason the humor worked in the other Duke games besides Forever, and it wasn’t due to political reasons or the humor being dated: DNF tries too hard to be funny and completely fails each time, moreso when it tries to take jabs at games it was copying (Halo, Gears of War) or just using literal Reddit humor.

Sure someone creative and good at his job could do a Duke revival.
Most people aren't good at their jobs as Dukes history proves.

Wouldn't be a problem if Gearbox didn't hold the license imo. I can't see the likes of 3D Realms, Nightdive or even Id/Bethesda caring much about sensitivity or last game's reception.

>Why don’t we see Duke Nukem anymore?
He nuked all of 'em
There's no one left

Gotta pander to the “woke” crowd aka young niggers
They don’t think anyone exists but themselves exists and get butthurt when they see an intimidating white guy and they are the biggest consumers on the planet

toxic white males are no longer cool.

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Duke was both a homage and a parody of the 80s and 90s macho action hero. That sort of character is no longer a thing in our modern popular culture, so it wouldn't really resonnate at all with zoomers whose closest idea of an action hero is The Rock, who acts nothing whatsoever like Duke.

duke could exist today tastefully, but randy pitchfork is too woke

for me it's duke nukem time to kill

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He didn't get off vent and he got bent. Sad tale but a common one.
Reminder that fun mods still exist for 3D like Alien Armageddon and the AMCTC.

gaming has been neutered by joykillers

For me its duke nuke'em manhattan project

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Because there are a bunch of slack jawed faggots in the industry.

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the last good duke game

Peggy killed him old-style

Blino faggino or whatever the guy that does impressions of duke nukem is the wokest most lib tard person you can find + Trannies love good looking women

If there is something holding back duke is definitifely not wokeism

is as easy as just making the good looking women black, there, now it can pass through the censors and retards

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ups meant for

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DN3D was an incredible game for its time. DNF was a piece of shit. It's not complicated.