Improve this game

Improve this game.

Attached: tongue.jpg (1024x1024, 196.66K)

tokyo jungle

makes the cat do this

Attached: 1637856656046.png (700x414, 410.62K)

replace the gayass cat with a cool dog

Attached: 1651229052941.jpg (640x519, 27.94K)

>Make cat black
>Give game more dark style
>Give cat to attack and use combos.
>Give lovecraftian beings as main enemies you have to fight.
>Rename title to "NIGGERMAN"

Make it a dog.

>Plot climaxes when the cat saves (You)

hello white woman maams

character creation

Dark Souls combat

Replace robots with this one.

Attached: maxresdefault_(42).jpg (1280x720, 105.67K)

fishing minigame

Give the cat a gun

The dog wouldn't make it past the sewer level without getting killed.


This one is perfect.

Attached: 8RKAP94.jpg (1038x584, 47.47K)

*adds gameplay and traversal puzzles*
Pshh, nothing personel professional game designer.

cat school

Attached: 1650863179470.webm (576x720, 2.68M)

Gameover by being mauled to death by a dog. Fully graphic and everything.
Gameover by being lit on fire by a psychopath. Fully graphic and everything
Gameover by scratching a stranger because you're an asshole for no reason, then promptly tossed into incoming traffic and getting turned into roadkill.

Add about 3 chapters towards the end.
Fix the ending so it's not so shitty / abrupt.
The cat should have been re-united with the other cats at the end.
Remove the shitty cliffhanger, this game doesn't need a sequel.

Otherwise the game is fine for what it is, but it's not an impressive game by any measure. It's a 6 or 7/10 depending on what you got out of it.

Alleyway set pieces involving gangs of cats and gangs of dogs. Dogs chasing cats, cats chasing dogs and all other situations in between with various other alleyway animals with ass creed/mirrors edge style parkour.

I was extremely disappointed to find out that wasn't already in the game when its so fucking obvious. The nerve of these assholes to charge that price when basic shit like this wasn't one of the first things you wanted to put in.

Was extremely disapp

Replace cat with a pitbull
Add hostile enemies
Add Scoring system with grades

i'd start with adding gameplay


Give it actual free jumping and make it a platformer instead of an on rails contextual button prompt simulator. And make it longer. There you go, improved

Jump button
gameplay with tension and risk/reward