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Charles should wear one too

Its good to see gay men can get married now.

Charlotte needs the mask more than the priest

Andrade El Idolo and Charlotte Flair have love and a happy marriage. Something no one on this board will ever have. You’re all virgins that are unhealthily-obsessed with women’s wrestlers you’ll never have.

me in the middle


>Fray Tormenta

The real Nacho Libre

They both have eyes like serpents.

>Go to Mexico
>everybody is a Luchador

i fukt that nigger horse you like

This is her 3rd marriage already. She is on the way to become just like her father who has 5 ex wives.


Congrats Chuck!

I still think you're pretty hot.

Andrade may have the charisma of a board with a nail in it, but he's a helluva wrestler. I'm absolutely a fan, and I wish them a happy nuptuality, even though I'm almost positive this marriage'll end in failure.

Charlotte, for all the hate she gets, is herself a helluva wrestler too. Though I don't know why Andrade wants VKM's sloppy seconds. At least with Brovk you can explain it as a likely bearding arrangement.

>Fray Tormenta officiating the wedding
Based and Catholic pilled. Now Charles will never be able to divorce Andrade.

Andrade is hella charismatic its just the language barrier fucking him up. The dude oozes charisma in the ring and in his Spanish promos.

Fuck I knew she was divorced but I didn't realize she was trying to beat her dad's record.

Ok, how u know?

What are you fucking talking about. Back in Mexico he was Rush's janetty.

>Andrade may have the charisma of a board with a nail in it
What are you talking about? He has massive charisma and always has. You marks who think charisma means good promos are deranged.

i thought that was a harlequin baby from the thumbnail

No he wasn't, lmao.

Rush was absolutely bigger than La Sombra.

He is charismatic but doesn't have good mic.
In the 80s he would be on coke 24/7 and do Warriorlike promos

Afterwards, when La Sombra left for wwe.