Over 20 years of playing games, and I have yet to find a more bewildering and confusing piece of cover art

Over 20 years of playing games, and I have yet to find a more bewildering and confusing piece of cover art.

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God that monkey is so hot.

do people like camp lazlo


They are encouraging his death

It was okay. Made by the guy who made Rocko's Modern Life. Kind of disappointing that the humor wasn't really the same.


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This show's ending was so damn bizarre. The whole time the moose was an impostor who like kidnapped and hid the real scout master, or something. Then the police and swat came to raid the camp and arrest the moose and he ran away.

This game sucked fat cock

Why can't anthros be real

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the real scout master was heffer from rocko's modern life as well

I liked it, I still remember the episode where they made hotdogs for the camp

unironically yes, it always found it have some really good witty humor for its time

this cartoon fucking had an ending? what the fuck?

does anyone else think Lazlo kinda looks like William H Macy in Fargo?
it's the shape of his face or something, I can't put my finger on it.

>at the end of the show the moose guy gets arrested and it turns out all the weird shit they did was because he wasn't actually their counselor

That meatman episode was creepy as shit.

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I remember liking it. I haven't watched in in like 13 years though.

>To make otherwise boring game worse, Camp Lazlo has some of the most horrendous music ever heard on the GBA. At best the songs are repetitive and boring, and at worst it feels like the game is trying to rape ears.

It was a different time.

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it's alright. Slinkman is my favorite role of Tom Kenny but I don't like it as much as CN's other lineup.
it's weird but for that era (mid 2000s) I remember a lot of shows getting 'proper' finales regardless of their serialization status. Foster's got a proper finale, Powerpuff girls came back for a finale, and Ed Edd n Eddy got that fantastic movie.

damn i do remember this episode actually creeping me a bit back then but i cant even remember what it was about by now

"ear rape" was a common expression that didn't die until like 2018, along the same time companies stopped calling good food "like crack"

CN intentionally gave their shows finales to difference themselves from Nickelodeon, who either would never end shows ever or just end the series on a normal episode

I liked it but I was also 11 years old

Dexter got a real finale in the show, then a movie finale, then they brought it back for that shitty revival then it died.

What was powerpuff girls actual finale? Was it that one musical half-movie?

I remember liking the rhino character. I love the trope of characters who rarely speak but are actually really smart.

I remember there was a female camp and there was this pink squirrel? I don't remember if she had a crush on Lazlo but I definitely remember one of the MCs had to sneak into the girl camp for something.

>and Ed Edd n Eddy got that fantastic movie.

Are you talking about the one with Eddy's big brother in it? Did they ever actually show it on Cartoon Network, or in the United States at all? I remember it leaking onto the internet and then hearing nothing else about it.

Did we ever find out why Dexter's original VA retired basically at the zenith of her career and still relatively young?

Yeah, the mongoose girl who obsessed over Lazlo.

That's because there's no way in hell 2000s Cartoon Network would have allowed Rocko's Modern Life style humor, unless it was an Adult Swim show.

I watched it when it premiered

I still remember scouring youtube for someone to upload the movie when it came out overseas. Never saw it on TV in the US, only youtube.

What do you find to be so bewildering and confusing user? The fact that they appear to be cheering his death like how someone else already pointed out? Or is it the fact that they're giving him a 10 when there's nothing that he could have possibly done to earn it since he's going on a linear path with no obstacles in nothing but an inflatable used to sit in? Is it Slinkman holding his sign upside down like an idiot when he's supposed to be the smart one or Lumpus looking confused by the whole thing in the background?

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I think it was for health reasons. She basically stopped working altogether in the early 00s and passed away in 2014 at the age of 51.

I think it came out in the US a year later.

>Did they ever actually show it on Cartoon Network, or in the United States at all?
I saw it on Cartoon Network because the channel had a marathon of the show beforehand. Then again, this was when my family had free cable.

Well yeah, it was sort of at the time they were going for a more decidedly kiddie audience, but it's weird because Chowder and Flapjack were released around that time and were pretty risque. Or maybe they were way later. I forget.

>t. Patsy

I can understand flapjack but why Chowder? Chowder had incredibly witty humor, maybe some disguised adult jokes but nothing that would freak parents out or that kids could understand

Chowder was tame until the later seasons, the finale was nice.

I can only think of like two scenes with Endive
And Tara Strong washing a car

>that one time where CN made half there shows intertwined with one another. I remember going to the website to find clues about that "Alien" theme episodes

I thought there were a lot of jokes about Mung Daal making hanky panky with his wife or something. I dunno. It was still a very well written show.

It aired on TV and CN said it was a massive success with triple digit ratings

No but I remember that episode and holy crap was it weird and offputting. It was like some bizarre commentary on communism.

There was a special released in like 2007, it's the one where Mojo Jojo wins the key to the city or whatever and makes the world perfect.
I remember Angry Beavers having an unaired finale that was fully voiced/boarded and had to be cut due to Nick's policies on 'ending' shows. there's evidence of it floating around
didn't watch much dexter growing up so I forgot, do know Savino is a hack even if I liked his art direction on Foster's
fun fact the creator, Carl Greenblatt, did work on pre-movie Spongebob and Billy & Mandy prior to making Chowder

>I remember Angry Beavers having an unaired finale that was fully voiced/boarded and had to be cut due to Nick's policies on 'ending' shows
It got canned because the beavers explicitly stated the show was getting canceled and the higher ups were like "you can't fucking do that"