Hogwarts Legacy

i went from being cautiously optimistic to genuinely excited. this will be the biggest release this year. its just too bad that Merula (best girl) was wasted on a pay-to-win mobile game

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It will fail because all the trans allies will boycott it. RIP.

I'm rolling a Slytherin so I can magically experiment on Dark Wizards and fuck-fight a cute Gryffindor Girl who wants to beat my ass.

I'm interested in the possibility of sex mods on the PC, akin to Skyrim and Sims. I'm also hopeful that while they have to distance themselves from JK Rowling for marketing purposes, that her influence will still be felt on the IP, and that the game and setting will both be deeply transphobic.

Merula is trash.

i'm sorry you are a faggot

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Idk looks like you can't really pick your friends in this game and they will probably force you to attend specific classes instead of letting you choose them. I'm still very cautiously optimistic. Btw they'll probably insert random diversity shit into this game, which I'm not looking forward to


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>they'll probably insert random diversity shit into this game
this is already confirmed with all the black and brown people in 19th century scotland

sounds like europe to me

you can believe in magic, but you can't believe in Black men?

it's still set in our world with our history regardless of the magic

Good, our world and our history also have Black men in it, guess we're settled then, yeah?

that's not the point, HP books and films also have important black men in it like Shacklebolt, the problem is placing them in a pedestal of morality like they do in nowadays media, that's annoying and i'm tired of seeing that crap everywhere

Is it "placing them in a pedestal of morality" when white people are in video games?

Cant wait to bully hufflepuffs as a ravenclaw chad and get slytherin girls to gobble my dick so i will help them with their homework

black men were not in 19th century scotland or at most there were a handful

Your sentence doesn't make sense user, that's not how you ask questions

Neither was magic. Hogwarts isn't real. We can invent magic, but we can't say there were some extra Black people for the sake of even representation of the audience?

Makes sense to me. I can't understand it for you.

>I'm interested in the possibility of sex mods
The majority of the characters are 17 years and 364 days old or less, you sick fuck!

that doesnt mean people are or need to be united in a single culture
its a disservice to blacks to make them pseudo whites and place them in white societies

>for the sake of even representation of the audience
changing history to be inclusive is always wrong
they could've done something interesting where hogwarts imported shaman kids to learn about african magic instead of "WE WUZ BRITISH"

Certainly you have a better way to spend your time than getting called a faggot on this website, right?

damn you fags just cannot help but take the obvious bait huh

if there was one game that I've been keeping my eye on but not really hyped for, it'd be this. the way they've sandbox'd potter lore seems pretty fun. and I dont give a shit about potter nor have I read the books

asses stink irl, they're not appealing