Five Nights at Freddy’s Lore

How the fuck did he make 50 fucking videos on a jumpscare game

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This guy looks at himself in the mirror whilst jacking off.

He likes money

Losing the battle made me tear up. One of the most soulful youtubers by far

He was a theater kid, that should explain enough

why did he do it?

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Isn't there like 10 games now or something?

Look at those dead soulless eyes. There is no light in there.

Just looked it up.

>8 main games
>6 spin-off games
>18 books
>Literally 100+ animatronics

Considering how much bullshit is hinted at in each one and how much you can read into the smallest details, I'd be surprised if you couldn't make 50+ videos on the series. And even if there were tons of games and bits of media, the videos blow up. I'd absolutely exploit that audience as well and scrutinize every single texture like it holds some kind of big secret.

MatPat has unironically done more to fuck up this series than anyone else because of people being influenced by his dumbass opinions. The dumbest retcons and whatnot can be laid at his feet. No idea why anyone listens to him besides the flashy graphics, especially after 2016.

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He seems like an oldfag who is stuck between 90s California and 20s California. The mindvirus is clearly in his brain, but he has enough common sense to avoid being fully engulfed in it.

I'll always begrudgingly respect him because of his skill in Mega Man games even if I never watch his videos

Being a sellout with a narcissistic voice can do that.

8 horror games
4-6 spinoff games (depends on how you see some of them in the count)

Who do you blame for the stupid lore
Matpat for pushing scenarios and ignoring evidence just so his theory convince people who don't play the games

Or Scott who listen all that shit and changed his lore for kneeling to El creatura del armario

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No idea... I just think William Afton (the VHS version) is cool.

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It's always the same story with these people seemingly manufactured to entertain others and infantilize them isn't it?

>MattPat cancelled Scott Cawthon
Top 10 anime betrayals

Five Nights at Freddy Got Fingered.

>No idea why anyone listens to him

Children. Literally, it just appeals to a younger audience that already has some interest in FNaF. People in general love to feel like they're "in the know" when it comes to things, but kids especially love videos like his because it makes them feel like they're in on some big secret about the series. That and it explains the story in a brain dead manner so kids who watched a playthrough can understand what the fuck was going on.

It's the same reason the FNaF series leaned heavily on appealing to younger audiences and filling the games with more and more "lore". There's a shit ton of money and attention you can get when doing so.

>Matthew "They're all White Males" Patrick
Nah I'd say he's pretty engulfed in it

>appealing to younger audiences and filling the games with more and more "lore".
And it's no coincidence that's when things started to go wrong. How else could you wind up with things like fazgoo and impossibly human robots being retconned into existence alongside slick willy somehow returning for the umpteenth time. Oh yeah, and Fetish Frights. Which now culminates with Security Breach.

>more books than games
>of which only one or two of them is actually good