Woke culture is starting to infest Japanese video games, a place once hostile to leftist influence in general...

Woke culture is starting to infest Japanese video games, a place once hostile to leftist influence in general. We need to start boycotting pozzed “developers” in Japan who have clearly been influenced by the west, only we can save them.

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you can't do anything
you are powerless
all you can do is scream into the void

it's inevitable. japan always follows western trends a few years later. and twitter is particularly influential in japan so they think twitter sjws are representative of the west in general.

we need to start gatekeeping the radical left trooner zoomers from this board and the niggers who unironically bitch about “m-muh coomers” from vidya and that starts with not allowing discussions about sjw games from this board

Based Maruko.


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Nigger you can't gatekeep your own memes, and you're certain not the kind to spam loli guro in every thread you dislike otherwise you'd be 10 images deep by now.

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Kill yourself leftoid.

Did he even write this?
Can Japs comprehend what non binary even means?

Uchikoshi has always been a retard.

Him and SWERY are cut from the same autistic cloth.

Not a lefty, but I might consider it once you successfully gatekeep anything.

Get fucked chud.

Uchi.. why?
you were the chosen one...


It's obvious that this can't be fixed from the consumer side at this point. These companies are filled with cowards who would literally go under before they'd go to war with the far left and refuse to give them an inch. Those who aren't cowards are chased out. They're not helped along by the modern broken view of economics, wherein everyone has the genius idea of taking investor money even if the terms attached would destroy their brand with the actual customers, which is totally sustainable.

We literally need to make our own parallel industry where we do what we want and don't allow the saboteurs and cowards in. That's how you shift the overton window and get back to liberty. Go make your game.

it's a joke about Marco being a quantum AI (not being based in binary)

but yes Uchi has been known to put this kind of thing in his games before

Uchikoshi has always been a westaboo and tumblrfags of old made up as much of his English fanbase as anons back then. Guess which half actually interacts with him and thus gets pandered to?

Ahh, remember when people were like "A-Ai Nirvana isn't like that, i-it's just a meme!"
Good times.

are you the guy who somehow lost a twitter fight against a ESL Jap dev? that was pretty embarrassing

Support devs like ZUN, Inti, Edelweiss, and Team Ladybug etc.
Don't support terminally online westaboo twittertards.
Simple as.

Just went on his wikipedia article and found out i never touched any of his games ... hmm coincidence or just my good spidey senses?


Look at ZTD if you don't want to believe it. Face it. He may pander to trannies but guess who actually liked his stuff in the first place. It wasn't japan

play 999 and VLR, ignore everything else.

yeah, thats already happening in the cripto technology scene, problem is it needs more marketing for alternative plataforms that bypass censorship of big money
yet i believe it will take time because google still has almost a monopoly over advertising, until alternative server renting and advertise system comes, the adoption of alternative will still be low, but its already happening all over the internet. Everything already has its decentralized counterpart wating for the taking of markets once new demand arises, what is lacks is artists and money.

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You were blown out in the last thread you made OP

Japanese games aren't going woke because of optional choices and things not being as gory as they once were.

zun is on the same level as the SJW devs

he has shit talked trump one too many times in interviews

he has clearly forced politics in touhou bunka shinpou

YOU are the reason japan is becoming a shell of its former self by getting infested with far left politics more and more


They will see the kind of public they're getting. Just like how that jetsetradio guy was surprised when he saw his followers were wishing death and happy about shinzo abe.