Was this reverse engineer associated with gaming right?

was this reverse engineer associated with gaming right?

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I really want to believe that this is satire.

that's something empress the tranny would write

Why would you think it's satire?
It's a tranny, they're all mentally ill!

ok i was right, it is from that tranny of empress

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>~Next Crack Hint~
>Animal or fish, maybe a human dish
So, what do you think it is?


oh ffs! This shit was free on Epic, anyone who wanted it got it there, stop wasting time on this shit tranny!

>I'm a girl
>doesn't want to playa male character cuz is for gays
uh oh, the tranny let it slip he's actually a dude

didn't read

Nice reading comprehension.

Too bad being mind controlled kinda makes you immune to this

>shitting on Stray the FOTM soï movie game
Actually really based. Does that make EMPRESS our troon?

there are no "our troons" trannies need to be sent to the loony bin

This is a tranny, right?

>mentally ill
>on the fringe of society
>terminally misunderstood
troons belong here more than you ever will. Go back to your bubble, tourist.

Well, he's right about stay being a trash overhyped game.


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You do realize the majority of Any Forums posters from the early days came here because this was quite literally the 'loony bin' of the internet. You would find the most deranged, shocking, gore, pizza, etc shit posted constantly. If you're finally aware of your mental illness whichever it may be, welcome. If not? It'll probably hit you by mid 40s if you're really fucking dumb in which case you'll probably procreate before then and thus become a danger / burden to several people later in life. Sucks to be you, probably.

found the men with the mutilated penises who think they're women

based as fuck, modern gaymores are complete faggot brainlets

Lol. There are tons of supposedly "based and redpilled" types out there who thought Stray was great purely because, in their own words, it was not an essjaydubs game. Really makes me think of how some of the people who criticize today's "corporate pandering" probably only do it because they want to be the ones pandered to.