This is the best game ever made

This is the best game ever made.

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Its in my top 3
Pure noatalgia comfort food

I have my preferences, but it's worthy of the title.

No doubt about it.

LTTP = Oracle of Seasons > Oracle of Ages > OOT > WW > Links Awakening

>seasons over ages
can i get a based over here?!

honestly, it's my favourite zelda

Little baby boy me nearly creamed his footie pajamas when he beat Aghanim and the game fucking doubled in size

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yeah man i love beating it in 5 minutes

No, that's Breath of the Wild.

No but hear me out. It's kind of like reading The Hobbit. It's not the best thing ever but it's pretty damn good and a stepping stone to bigger and better things. Anyone interested in the hobby should experience it. It's just fun man.

You make it to 5 minutes? I only get about 30 seconds.

It's the worst of any of the classic Zeldas

Why was 2 better in your opinion?

2 isn't just better than LTTP to me, it's just the best classic Zelda. The combat is extremely fun, it's very simple yet mechanically dense. It's amazing how this NES game has more layers to it's combat than most games afterwards. Link though really only has two states of being in that game, attacking and defending. Because it's so mechanically simple compared to other Zeldas where you have a large arsenal of weapons and movement it's able to explore those two simple states far more. The enemies and levels are designed entirely around those two states, boomerang enemies will exploit Links ability to block high and low, throwing a low boomerang that he has to block while then throwing a high boomerang that goes over him and forces him to turn around to block followed then by a frontal boomerang as he has his back turned. This type of enemy complexity only works in such a simple game where the player isn't able to just easily move out of the way or shoot the enemy from afar like in other Zeldas. It perfectly utilizes the 2D plane and Links movement options to provide an experience exclusive to it. All other enemies work this same way, it's why I find it to be the most intricately designed Zelda game, not only is everything tailored to your movement options and abilities in such an intimate way but it teaches you that through natural gameplay. LTTP is the first Zelda to drop the pretense of naturally taught gameplay and OOT basically makes a mockery of Zelda 1 and 2's clean UI and openers that just drop you straight into the game with it's huge UI that shows you how to attack and block throughout the start to finish

Antyhing before link top the past is janky as shit with zero gameplay or replay value,its like the difference between silent movie and ben hur.

why are LTTP randomizers so fun

t.hasn't beaten zelda 2 link's kino

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Wrong, this is.

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