Wrath is on the TBC PTR this is not a drill

Wrath is on the TBC PTR this is not a drill.

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I already beat the game over a decade ago.

Who cares man, wow is a shit game.

nobody cares + wotlk ruined arthas

I guess I'll reup at the end of october to level to 70 before launch, what server should I do? alli/pvp obviously, as I am not a nigger and therefore dont play horde.

kys blizzcuck

still waiting for prepatch

Don't care
Too busy fucking catgirls in XIV

EU or NA?
benediction NA (27k ally)
firemaw EU (13k ally)
or grobbulus if youre looking for a 50/50 server 18k /2

Problem is on PVE servers when the opposite faction kill questgivers, it's considered 'ok' according to GMs so fuck them
I ain't subbing agian
Much more fun on private servers

Same. Leveling on easymode sounds nice.

Won't every server be bots, boosting runs and GDKP runs?

>he doesnt know boosting was nerfed
oh no no no

If you play this shit at least have the sense to not talk about it.

Who cares about shit like WoW?


I honestly wish I could be so deluded.

>people are still hopelessly addicted to wow
I can't even imagine.

its ok to cope, user
but theres a huge interest in wrath

they're like FIFA players, it's all they know. they don't play videogames, they just play WoW

at least 5 million will sub