Have you refused to buy a game for any ideological reason?

Have you refused to buy a game for any ideological reason?

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Any game with tranny ideology. If your ideology requires self mutilation you're insane and should executed.

DRM is a human rights violation.
i will not buy games with DRM

i was considering playing AI: The Somnium Files, but then I saw that one comment, so i skipped it.

Any game with black people

I refuse to buy games or otherwise pay for any pirateable content for ideological reasons.

So no game then

far cry 6

Elden Ring
Cyberpunk 2077

Disco Elysium because it's made by commies

I refuse to buy censored games. I don't buy on Sony platforms, I don't buy Atlus games. I buy lewd games on either the switch or pc depending on where they are less censored naturally. I mod games on pc to be even less censored

nta, but if the devs openly support it on twitter, im out.

>against Judaism because of circumcision

Back then I was really against DLC so I refused to buy New Vegas even though I absolutely loved it, still haven't. I guess you can count that as an ideological choice.

Subnautica is the only woke game I refused to buy on ideological grounds. The nice thing about wokeshit in general is that they're usually trash so you're not missing out on anything if you ignore them. Subnautica is the one exception but fuck those devs.

It's because of a combination of factors
Heavy ideology in marketing = no buy
Agenda / ideology comes first gameplay second = no buy
Bad writing (this is easy to spot) = no buy
Marketing and writing is subtle, allows me to draw my own conclusion = maybe

The epitome of this is:
>game gives you options

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I always pirate first.
Disco Elysium is a bad game irrespective of the stupid ideology pushing so it never in occured to me to buy it.
Didn't even finish that trash. Got pretty far but at some point I just grew tired of it.

nah i don't think about it too hard. it's a video game who cares.

No and you're a thin skinned little bitch if you do

Depends. If the devs are really annoying "activists" then fuck no I won't buy it, but holding some lefty views isn't that bad. The moment they spend most of their time screaming about the evil white man on twitter is the moment you know they probably put no care into the game itself.

My friend bought risk of rain 2 and gifted 7 copies to our group just a few days before he found out about the devs ideology. Turns out you can't refund gifts with 10+ hours played each.

I just hate being lectured.
I didn't disagree with those anti-war messages in Modern Warfare loading screens, but they still annoyed the fuck out of me.

When they're packaging ideology with entertainment, it always feels like they're trying to stealthily influence you and that instantly takes me out of the mood.

Of course not. The overwhelming majority of games are made by leftists or liberals

Lmao, Hopoo wins again.

I care
I'm gonna give you my money, you give me a game
This is the transaction. Any ideology / agenda on top of it (left, right, communist, nazi, ANY agenda) and you can keep your product
Don't lecture me. Don't DO BETTER me.
Sell me a fucking GAME that I can play, and I will draw my own conclusions

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Is the dev a Nazi?

not in the slightest, though something about bold and stupid localization changes will turn me off from buying a game.
Like I don't mind if theres trannies talking about the lgbt community in AI or whatever, but if I find out the translation is changing lines in order to pander to american sensibility then I'm not interested. I want my experience of media to be as close as possible to the original intent, but that intent can take any form politically.
I also think that even if you're deadset and stubborn in your politics, its valuable to continue to consume opinions from opposite sides and reconcile them within your own moral boundaries in order to better shape your own arguments.

Right wingers don’t make games.

No, my friend is.

If the developer snubs the PC market more than once and/or deals with Tim, especially if they made money from Steam games and the playerbase prior, than yeah.
Same with Denuvo, but I'll get over it if they remove it.

Yeah I really don't care about 99% of leftist ideology but sometimes it's just clear propaganda. Vampyr, for example had a bunch of propaganda thrown at the player every chance they could despite it being a vampire game set in 1918 London. Of course the devs went on to make a game where you actually play as a post-op tranny.

It's one thing to be political, it's another thing to make your politics ruin every piece of medium you touch.

Agendas are VERY easy to spot
Manipulation is VERY easy to spot
Protect yourselves, anons. Don't let the internet pollute your mind. One way or another

>Right-wingers tell their children to avoid creative pursuits, that creatives are all liberal degenerates, and that they should do something constructive instead of the arts
>"WTF why are there so right wing creatives?"

I stopped buying games other than multiplayer ones my friends absolutely want to play the moment they became always online and required a platform to run (in my case, steam).
I do not feel like paying for something that I do not own and could be taken away from me at any moment.

Yeah, I really can't think of a woke game that presented an issue in a thought provoking manner.
They just fight strawmen and make fun of the other side, pure partisan shit flinging.

I think the partisan part is really important here, you can tackle political topics in a game without it becoming obnoxious, but woke game are just partisanism, they don't aim to provoke conversation, they aim to sway you to their side in a really ham-fisted way.

certifiably based

All the time. I'll never buy another Metal Gear game again after the way Konami treated Kojima.

Any time theres faggot or tranny shit

Yes, anything blizzard.

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>be right wing video game dev
>all founders of the company are right wing
>first game is successful and expand the company
>1 sjw works for the company
>sjw wants the game to be woke
>if you argue about putting it in you are a biggot
>game is now about a gay cowboy and you can do nothing about it without being called a homophobe
Read about game companies. All of them have this exact story. Starts off with bros creating games, then it turns into a shitty job where fun is not allowed because fun is offensive.

Snip snip snip the dick
The hrt has you weak and sick
The bloody pus is stank and thick
You will never be a woman regardless of tricks