Completely fuck up your own item pool

>completely fuck up your own item pool
>band aid fix it by putting printers and scrappers everywhere

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the only truly bad items are
>shield generator
>arguably headstompers
everything else is at least okay

Not every item is suppose to be great retard. That's part of roguelites. Now post something cute, or perhaps something funny.

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Lepton daisies? Squid Turrets?

Explain to me what's good about Bison Steak

Lets not pretend RoR 1 item pool is any better.

half the items in this game are just straight trash which would be fine if they didnt crowd out the actually good items

The game could really do with some kind of synergies.
It's like playing Isaac but all the items are fucking pills and active use items. I can't stand this shit.
I only play on command mode these days because of how bullshit it is.

Bad items make the good items stand out. If every item was the same quality, they would all just be mediocre :)

>cant choose what items to convert/scrap

fucking morons

Give me one good reason why the game doesn't have tooltips for items

>Why yes I always play with Command, what gave it away?

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Though the items are fucked, printers and scrappers work, because they allow you to actually make some sort of a build. Without them, the game would be a lot more samey, which says a lot considering it already doesn't have much variety.
At least the core gameplay and movement are 7 million times better than Ror1.
You're right, but these aren't the items you should be mentioning
Decent early game healing
Good for plasma shrimp if you get hit a lot. Still sucks
It's better, but not by much.
This is true. Ror2's lack of variety is very difficult to solve, as adding new items makes good old items more rare and will usually just add more bloat to the game. Solutions would be different tiers, which was done through the new dlc, and more interactions, which already exists to some degree in movement, but could be explored more. Still, this wouldn't solve much, as in a run, you tend to get most of the items anyway.

if you're going for plasma shrimp synergy, just fucking transcend so the tooltip becomes "while you are alive, shoot extra missiles on hit"

was the DLC any good? stopped playing when mythrix was implemented since i was so disappointed by it

DLC adds a bunch of random shit that doesnt really fix any of the issues in the game and just makes a lot of the issues even worse

What are the issues of the game?

So-so. New enemies/maps are fun, but it adds a new void variant where some parasites can infect enemies and have them get buffs such as shields and a new proc called collapse which was busted on release(think bleed but not a DoT and like 600% damage. Combine that with an infested squid turret, which auto aims and has your weapon damage, and the second you get collapse you're dead). New items weren't much special, some of them were re-uses from Thunderstorm and you get a new class of item where you get to corrupt an item such as lens makers, tri-tip or dio's for a new item with an alternate effect that will also corrupt all future instances of that item. Some of them are straight up upgrades, some of them are downgrades, some of them are very situational.
For the survivors you had two. Railgunner's fun but could have used more tweaking with item synergies especially shit like her unlockable scope and how backup magazines are useless on that. Or how you can't do sick tricks with her concussion mines because you can't detonate them on command or stack them or really do anything with them.
There's the void fiend which has a corruption meter that switches you from long ranged sniper to short ranged burst damage. I honestly didn't like this character, there was just nothing particularly satisfying about either of his forms.
There's also an alternate final boss. It's a long winded fight that I wasn't a big fan of.

Its cringe

It should honestly have way more stinkers and the good ones need to be really rare. Also get rid of that setting that lets you pick items.

You forgot the part where a single digit count of white items completely outmode the entire rest of every item pool. And it's 80% the same items no matter what character you play. If you can't get a billion Soldier's Syringes and hold/mash M1 to kill shit, you're barely able to play the video game.

new maps are too fucking big and clearly meant for fast lategame play which means they suck ass to play in the early game
mithrix is still lame, same with the new end boss which is just a massive hp blob that occassionally shit checks the player by doing attacks that just kill in one hit
there is only 5 movement items so several survivors with low movement speed or bad movement abilities have pretty much no way to dodge certain attacks or makes it super difficult
some items are just too fucking good and there is tons of item bloat with trash tier items
new enemies make the game more frustrating: blind pests which are just more annoying wisps, void parasites one shotting players with squid turrets, autism robot sitting on the edge of the map shooting you with giant tracking laser that does tons of damage, grandfathers spamming AOE attacks that just fucking kill you if you cant run half way across the map to get outside of it
void items are fuckbusted and plasma shrimp just wins you the game if you get it


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Starstorm Mod Info: (embed)

Starstorm (1.13.1, extract to ...\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain\ModLoader\mods\starstorm:
DD's Variant Pack (1.4.1,
Lively Word (0.6.2,

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this man has never known the joy of being super mario
>shield generator
ok that one is pretty bad

>new maps are too fucking big and clearly meant for fast lategame play which means they suck ass to play in the early game
Learn the ubication of chests, git gud
>hp blob that occassionally shit checks the player by doing attacks that just kill in one hit
Its harder to get hit by the voidling than mithrix lol
>there is only 5 movement items so several survivors with low movement speed or bad movement abilities have pretty much no way to dodge certain attacks or makes it super difficult
Then loop until you get them, git gud
>some items are just too fucking good and there is tons of item bloat with trash tier items
You have scrappers and printers for that, you know?
>new enemies make the game more frustrating: blind pests which are just more annoying wisps, void parasites one shotting players with squid turrets, autism robot sitting on the edge of the map shooting you with giant tracking laser that does tons of damage, grandfathers spamming AOE attacks that just fucking kill you if you cant run half way across the map to get outside of it
Unironically skill issue
>void items are fuckbusted and plasma shrimp just wins you the game if you get it
Several items do that and they came out at release.
It's another no-skilled player bitching about complete inane and inconsecuential stuff.

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>bad items are bad for the game
Oh, suuuure, I wish I only got the same good items each run like I was playing command
As we all know winning every time and always having good rng is super duper fun and NEVER gets old

One of the worst parts about RoR2 is how item dependent you are, but how unsatisfying the majority of the items are to acquire or synergize.
I think Loader being one of the most fun characters in the game also showcases the massive flaws the game has. Loader relies somewhat on skill. She's fairly easy to pick up but in order to make full use of her mobility, and to rack up the big damage punches you'll need to think creatively with the tools you're given. Furthermore her abilities synergize well with a lot of items. Not just damage items but also speed related items, you'll benefit from an energy drink as much from a len's maker on Loader and it feels satisfying using the item properties in that way. And Loader's main damage ability scaling against speed, which is something you can skillfully build up in the early game, while also being very mobile makes it so Loader is always fun throughout the entire run without needing to "build up" an item pool to begin to be useful.
Now think on Commando. Commando completely falls flat if you don't have the items. You can spam tactical slide until hell freezes over and you'll do jack shit if you don't have the damage to back it up, for which Commando entirely relies on items because of severe damage falloff and just completely generic abilities.
It's not just the way survivors are designed but the way the majority of the items are just plain stat bonuses that make it so that it feels like you're doing the same shit but with bigger numbers in the further you are in the run. What does something like Infusion add to the enjoyment of your run? Or armor repulsion plates? Or that counterpart to fungus that heals you out of combat(Slug?)?
RoR2's biggest issue is that progression is tied entirely into you going around collection mountains of useless shit hoping for the one either good item for your character or an item that'll at least let you play a little with your movement. You can get overpowered but it's rarely fun.

If getting only good items makes runs feel samey, then there isn't enough vairety in good items.
In Isaac, a Brimstone + Haemolacria run feels entirely different than a Sacred Heart + Godhead run even if both are objectively good combos made of objectively good items.

new host

I have 161 hours in this game and probably another 100hrs on my torrented copy because fuck paid dlc and fuck hotpoo the game has only gotten worse ever since they added sky meadows

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excellent post my friend, the game needs more skill expression too much of it is hoping you get the couple items that make your survivor actually decent

You have benthic bloom runs
Bottle chaos items being your damage runs
7 backup mags runs
Permatonic runs
I won’t pretend the game is deep, trust me I am bored of it too, but it isn’t as shallow as people claim

Look, you make a good point, but the slug gives you regeneration out of combat. That's good and useful through...most the run. Until enemies can one shot you. But it is still a good item to help you get going. Otherwise...yeah, you're right and it kinda makes me sad. Maybe they'll get it right next time. Or someone else will