Dead in 6 months after launch

Dead in 6 months after launch

Attached: Wrath.png (589x380, 355.28K)

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if that

It's going to be dead a few days into the launch, seeing as that even back in 2008 everyone beat T7 content pretty much by default with quite a bit weaker classes than 3.3.3 ones, leveling professions in Wrath is essentially free (it's actually much easier to cap professions sans alchemy in Wrath than in TBC, because 350-375 with TBC recipes is tougher than 350-450 with Wrath ones, and for most professions you don't even need to cap it), and there's no useful gear outside raids.

Like, there have been FRESH WotLK private servers (usually with 2x rates, or 3x rates for 1-68 and 1x for 68-80, or something along those lines) that delayed the launch of their buffed raids for two or three weeks, and in that time not only can you 100% cap your character complete with SWP gear from running splits, Darkmoon Card: Greatness for your offspecs, exalted Sons of Hodir (farming Relics of Ulduar), dozens of stacks of flame caps stockpiled, etc, but 100% cap your alts (other than the SWP gear). After that the next time there's any mechanical incentive whatsoever to do anything else but raidlog is taking Emblems of Frost from daily heroic in simulated 3.3 patch, or maybe grabbing Abyssal rune from ToC5.

And note that almost all that effort won't be a thing in non-FRESH servers. You don't have to level characters 1-70 (3/4 of the effort), you don't have to level professions 1-350 (90% of the effort for most professions), you don't have to do a single dungeon (since you can EASILY do the raids as fresh 80s straight from class trainer, and raid gear obsoletes dungeon gear), etc.

It's nice to rewatch the cutscenes on YouTube.

Poopsock raiders are history.
No one wants to do that shit anymore.
MMO's should be fun for everyone not the small percentage of losers who raid.

try 6 weeks lmao

>Any day now

You blizzdrones are delusional if you really believe your game isn't already dead. You don't even have as much players as Destiny 2 lmao

i regret not being there in that initial classic wow release, genuinely seemed like a fun time

It's the worst implementation of vanilla to date so you've missed out on more from having skipped any given random private server launch, and the good part of vanilla is the world/leveling content so you get to enjoy it in similar capacity in any TBC/Wrath FRESH.

Actually, it's not launch as much as it is presence of new players that make the world feel lively, it's just that most of the time 95% of players start playing at launch and from then on the population only ever goes down. I haven't played on the server myself, but I understand Turtle WoW has actually managed to grow, so you'd find a bunch of new players there, and get the "fresh server" experience there. Or wait for literally any pre-Cata server launch, because there wasn't anything special about Classic (other than servers being laggy pieces of shit, having the worst community known to man, etc).

and listen to the music
14 years man, 14 fucking years and i still miss it so very dearly

Attached: agony.jpg (500x489, 47.51K)

Agreed. I poopsock'ed the fuck out of private servers from scriptcraft>nost, and poopsocked Classic's launch...I'm over it. I just want a fun casual experience now.
I might not even play a pvp server, unless theres an rp-pvp option

Sad but true, TBCC is so fucking barren right now

honestly it doesn't even have to be THAT casual, just give people something to look forward to that isn't raiding. shit like archaeology that doesn't fucking suck, or even community events like a raid sized fishing trip that anyone can join into ala ff14

Content is going to be annihilated within 24 hours. Raid logging 2 weeks after xpac release. Aint nobody playing this shit after that

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>6 months
It'll be dead a month in after everyone realizes it's going to be 4 months of Naxx again.
Also Wrath was when WoW actually died and only nostalgia blind retards think otherwise.

BC only lasted 1 year. You really think Naxx will be 4 months?

3 months then.
3 months for Naxx, 3 for Ulduar, 3 for TotC, 3 for Icecrown / Ruby Sanctum

>12m players
>34k players
>*posts the tombstone meme*

Wrath is when the game was completely ruined and it hasn't gotten any better since
>Bring the player, not the class / total homogenization
>Hero classes
>Cash shops
>Multiple raid difficulties
>Daily grind increased by 10x
>total casualization of heroics

Is there any actual evidence for this 34k player meme.

I guess daily grinds increasing 10x is technically true because 10*0=0, but there's no daily grinds in Wrath (well, in 3.3 you get Emblem of Frost rewards from the first daily heroic, but it's not a daily quest). The first time daily quests are progression-relevant is in Cata.

youve confused pretending mmos are hard and gate keeping with fun, mmos have always just been social experiences and virtual chatrooms with things to do with friends, the only people caring about difficulty are people who mash lfd queues solo all day and convince themselves if they can just get the right gear then they can get into a good guild and be assigned friends