How is possible to inspire normies into thinking that vidya isn't for them? Are there others ways to save vidya?

How is possible to inspire normies into thinking that vidya isn't for them? Are there others ways to save vidya?

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It's normal to not finish your games. I never finished Elden Ring but I tell everyone how shit it is.

vidya was always for normies and it was always mainstream, you were just such a fucking loser growing up that you convinced yourself that it was because you played video games and not because of your lack of social skills

You would need to double down on the wasteful time aspect of it.
However, they have evolved.
Playing with friends has become the norm.
Escapsim is seeping in as the world goes to shit.

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this unironically

I still haven't beat SOMA. It's just too boring for me and I've restarted it twice. Same with Three Houses, I've gotten to Ch 14 like 4 times now and keep dropping it before the Claude battle
It took me literally 10 attempts at least before I finished Dark Souls 1. I would clear Anor Londo and then be burnt out. Didnt help that everything from there to the end except Dukes was shit

>trying to gatekeep the literal most common pastime on earth

wanst portal like 3 hours long

How do they know she's had 4 children?

Portal is like a 4 hour game

Elden Ring is the first "souls" game I didn't bother to finish. What a mess.

I'm mad how bigger her biceps are than mine.
A female shouldn't be allowed to have them that big.

I think its sexy

You don't have to finish a game before you appreciate it. Eventually you're bound to finish it if you love it so much.
What's wrong with this it's just the fact that this bitch chose a 3 hour mechanics showcase as and spent fuck knows how much money on a replica portal gun. There's no excuse to not finish it that specific game.

Sure that's normal. It's not normal for me to buy and wear merch of shit I didn't even joy enough to finish. That's an illness and also called being a basic bitch poser.

there's a difference between not finishing a game you hate and not finishing a game you claim to love

Portal isn't even a long game, you can beat it in 3-4 hours tops. It probably took longer to build the gun than the game.

4 hours max, most people will beat it in 3.

both of those games have burning out woven into the plot. you failed. you went hollow

yeah but ER is like 60 hours or something long while Portal is 1 hour


based based based

i have about 30k playtime of video games and beat maybe 20 of the 3000+ played

You don't need to finish a bad game to tell how shit it is.

She spent more time building the gun than playing the game.

She shouldn’t have played it at all.

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.

you stopped playing it because it was shit. you didn't like the game. not the same.

Reminds me of scene girls in middle school who acted like they were way into games or anime. Like 1 in 5 knew jack shit about either beyond really surface level shit because posing is just something you do when you're young and desperate for a sense of identity.

You can't. Even less with trend chasers.