Ugh, I'm so sick of videos games sexually objectifying women with these ridiculous proportions and skimpy outfits...

>Ugh, I'm so sick of videos games sexually objectifying women with these ridiculous proportions and skimpy outfits, it's just so immature
post vidya sluts, bonus points for in-game, unmodded assets

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The difference is Beyonce chose to put on that outfit, makeup, etc
Mythra was stuffed into that dress by some perverted Japanese pedo artist.
BIG difference.

Always love when women have revealing outfits that still fit within their universe and it isn't just some generic bikini.

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the real twist is that beyonce didn't choose to put on that outfit, she was told to put it on because it would sell more copies of her album and generate more views.

What was Takahashi on when he made this feature of the character kek



All I want in female characters is to show love and honesty, charm and kindness, sincerity and fondness.
>hurr durr video game wamin are oversexualized
suck a dick nigga and shut the hell up

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takahashi probably had little to do with it, it was likely all choco's influence.

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Mythra doesn't exist.
you are so crazy that you care more about fictional character then real people?

It's funny because there are people that actually think like this

Imagine thinking ANYONE tells Beyonce what to do.
She is a strong, independent woman.
Mythra will literally die if anything happens to her "host" (read: her slave driver retarded shoto handler)

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The difference is that one is a fictional character and the other isn't.

Kikes are pedos and control the music industry and everyone in it, cope

Femoids being threatened by pixels on a screen is the most pathetic thing in existence.

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She needed like 5 song writers to repeat "Who rules the world" for 4 minutes.

Is that a motherfucking tits gun!??

Americans suffer from extreme cognitive dissonance where every girl IRL dresses like a slut and WANTS to sexualized like a whore to pay bills but cringes at slightly sexualized anime girls.
So many American views contradict each other but we somehow choose to live life with these contradictory views as if it's normal and makes sense.

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This, a black man getting a nosejob is considered a freak but people who chop their dicks off or pursue the same gender are considered normal

Considering it's story relevant I can't imagine he didn't tell choco to add it

>i think this should have less blatant sex pandering and more game


God Beyonce is fucking hideous.

It's not contradicting, they just don't want any competition.
And yes they see 2D girls as extremely high ranking competition, that's why they lash out like unhinged apes.

>i think this should have less blatant sex pandering and more game
Let's not pretend anyone ever said that. As if designs would prevent there being more content.

Album of the year

It's fine if the woman herself profits from the sexualization. That's all there is to it. Not saying it's fair but that's how it is

The governments who tanked their economy and told you to wear masks and stay inside are now calling you bigots for having the gall to say that homosexuals should stop having sex to prevent the spread of disease.
Nothing makes sense, everyone is a hypocrite.

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Based Kosmos bros. I really need to get around to playing episode 3, enjoyed 1 and 2 a lot. Full of soul.

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