TF2 is one of the most delusional fanbases I've ever seen

TF2 is one of the most delusional fanbases I've ever seen

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cool opinion bro, never seen someone be so brave

i remember team fortress 2 actually had classes that meant something unlike overwatch where nobody really is different

there are more people playing TF2 right now than overwatch

I only like Team Fortress 2 more because I can host my own server, alone, with bots, and add as many plugins/addons/mods/whatever the hell as I want.
Thanks to my learning disability, I prefer to play alone.
Overwatch doesn't offer than in a decent capacity, I don't play.

Isn't Overwatch that game that will ban you if you aren't good at the game?

look at server browser and there are filled idle servers, dead game filled with bots

bots dont count anony

>Overwatch: using voice commands over and over is considered "harassment" and will get you banned
>TF2: The characters themselves viciously insult each other and there are even "domination" mechanics ingame when you kill the same player over and over
tells you all you need to know

TF2 is for casuals

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Name three (3) things Overwatch did better than TF2

99% of the players could be bots and it would still have more human players than OW.

after OW



>TF2 is better than OW
I mean, it really is. Not being a dead game contributes to that a lot.


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>most delusional fanbases I've ever seen
Those are tendies though

asses, boobs, and cocks.

How do you even put a baby and ancient computer system together? I am so confused.

how bored do you have to be to fucking white knight overwatch in 2022?

>shilling for blizzshit even ironically
utterly pathetic


I chuckled

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