This is my first computer

this is my first computer
I can finally play team fortress 2 for the first time

Attached: 20220804_115554.jpg (3713x2348, 1.6M)

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Congrats. Welcome to the family :)

What a terrible time to get into tf2

get raped

'ick on the 'eck

I turned all my settings to the lowest and the game still stutters and drops below 60 fps
what gives

There's generally tons of shit to know when you get into tf2 (even just about setting up the game and whatnot) if you want I can tell you all about it (for free!). I'm not gonna give you a full tutorial or anything because the game is fun to discover but there might be a couple of annoyances.

nothing says fun like your first time playing when only idle kill farm servers are left.

Nothing screams groomer more than your post


Return it.

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.

'ick on 'eck it


Christ man touch grass

Where can I find more 'ick on 'eck content?

based shartifact poster

you missed the tf2 where people kill each other
literally all they do these days is stand around and kill themselves
wish i was joking

Complain a developer is SJW, and nobody bats an eye. Complain a developer commits false advertising and fraud, and everyone loses their minds.

archive works for me
so much bear belly, unf

tf2 is ancient and bloated so framerate is almost single-handedly determined by cpu single-thread performance

answer this pls
also what fucking controls do I use for it on this thing

Optimizing tf2 is a pain and I can't help you through it right now but add me and I'll show you.

why can't we just talk in the thread

I'm trying to emulate new leaf using citra on this thing but my rom is encrypted so I got a decryptor but I duno how to run the bat file

there are dedicated decrypted rom sites. Also .bats are a windows thing, you might want to search for a shell script

Did anyone try War Thunder on the deck?