Monster Hunter

TU1 soon fellow hunters, how are you enjoying the game so far?

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huntress ass

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>slinger and wirebug cage


bro I think you might be homosexual if that's the first thing you noticed about that image

>beat punished mango
>have nothing left to do
Guess I'll just put the game down for a week or 2 then.

>hubba hubba
>Oh man look at dat naked flesh

actual gay
nignog I hope you aren't limiting yourself to a couple of weapons only. I'm making sets for almost every weapon and element and shit takes TIME

I play Hammer, GS, SNS, LS, GL, DB, Lance and LBG and I've already made all my sets.

not enough weapons

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I don't like the other weapons, SA, CB, IG, bow and HBG are cringe.

>SwAxe is cringe
>DB, LBG, and LS isn't

SA is the special snowflake weapon of choice. You are cringe and only want to use SA to be different.

>how are you enjoying the game so far?
feels annoying and unfair getting into MR5

I don't want that Freedom Unite remaster any more, they would fuck it up with NuHunter streamlining.

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Fuck the Shogunb Cenetaur. Honestly, fuck him. Took me 12 hunts to kill him once. FUCK his wonky ass animations. Thank fuck I don't need anything from him so I just needed to check him off from the quest box. and FUCK his bleed!

Just use Lance bro.

this SwAxefags are just contrarians

IG, CB, SA, and Bow have all been good to me. Trying to get my friends to open up to other weapons, but they love their mains.

I'm and I was actually only memeing I plan on learning every weapon eventually I just refuse to move onto a new weapon until I properly commit one weapon to muscle memory. I plan on trying IG next, or maybe bow.

I get that you're doing some trolling, but is the same-fagging really necessary?


Why tf is there no Pompadour in Rise


>SnS player
>Caenataur head too high to hard bash
>have to endure his spins
>switch to IG
>he can't deal with a french mosquito

Trying other weapons takes time and effort, but you can suggest a better matchup for a monster they have problems with, other than that just give them time, in my own experience, it took me until Dalamadur to get out of LBG and now I use everything but HH, GS and World/Rise LS

You're god damn right

If you aren't backhopping through everything the monster throws at you while using SnS, you're playing it wrong. That shit has an absurd amount of iframes

No weapon has as much mobility as SwAxe. Additionally, of the melee weapons, it can most reliably both tailcut and KO. You're a joke.
Also any weapon with a block is for cowards.

Also I now realize when talking about what weapons I use and don't use I completely forgot HH exists. Even after I use every other weapon I don't think I'll ever pick up HH.


Pay up

Was making elemental Swaxe sets when this popped out of the melder. Had to redo the 3 sets that were already completed.
If this had an extra 2 slot on it I'd be in heaven desu

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Easiest G rank but still pretty fun. 7.5/10

Uhhhhhh you're thinking of charge blade mate

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TTK for Anomalies is too damn high

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>Easiest G rank
p3rd, world and iceborne exist, what are you smoking?

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>make arena
>have arena quests that don't take place in the arena
Who okay'd this shit?

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It gave me everything I wanted for GL, do I've been having a blast.

Swap HBG with GL and those are my most used weapons, I am cringe incarnate

Im too much of an OG SnS sperm to spam backhop, adjusting to hard basher and perfect rush alone was a nightmare when muscle memory kept me doing RX X X A A roll, in fact that has consistently been my problem in rise since I skipped IB, my thousands of hours into the old gens gave me bad habits

I still can't take the shield off

>p3rd, world and iceborne exist,
Why are you counting World you dumb nigger. World isn't a G rank expansion.

>G rank

You didn't mean shit. You're an idiot.

>wanting one of the best parts taken off
Fuck that, give me more shield tools.

Sunbreak was easier than all 3 IMO but I didn't get far into G rank P3rd