Why can't these fuckers into Vidya? They make basically infinite money already...

Why can't these fuckers into Vidya? They make basically infinite money already, are capable of creating amazing hardware and somehow even managed to kick off a non-shit streaming service. If they wanted they could literally shit on the competition but yet don't even bother. Just why? I'd very much like an M1-tier console, would be a breath of fresh air among all the other housefires.

Attached: 1920px-Apple_Computer_Logo_rainbow.svg.png (1920x2238, 74.42K)

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Being a UX-centric company that pioneered the practice, they fall into the mistake of assuming app UX = game UX. It's often said a good UX is one the user doesn't notice, but if you apply the same philosophy to a game you get a movie. So as a result of this misunderstanding and aggressive focus tasting, any games made by them get ironed out to a bland piece of mediocrity. Too many people with an inkling of UX understanding mistakenly think it can be applied to everything, which ironically misses the point of UX.

Why try to dig for gold when you're already selling shovels and pans? They already have the App Store.

Apple arcade is good. Mostly casual games and not marketed well but I use it like a console on my apple tv. Continue on mac at work

>trash computers for retards
>trash phones for retards
>consoles are already for retards
so what's the point? their user base is already covered perfectly by sony and m$

fucking dimwit


I know "you can build a PC for the price of a console" gets thrown around a lot but just imaging the price of an Apple console I bet you really easily could even in the current market.

They don't play in anything they can't truly win. They're still probably assessing a full dive in bonafide vidya space. Thats' why I don't think they're making a car either - but they will win on interfaces for other cars.

Because their idea of games is entirely mobile games. An apple console would be the equivalent of the Ouya 2.

They really haven't done much of anything in the last decade. They're in maintenance mode company-wide and just looking for places to write off the trillions they've got banked. I wouldn't expect much more than Arcade out of them, in any capacity, until the entire global economy is in a healthier place, which, who knows.

Their recent laptops are actually ridiculously cheap for their performance

It's a shame that they just don't license their chips to Nintendo. It mogs the shit out of Nvidia or Qualcomm equivalents and what Nintendo needs. Better performance, but could still be mobile. If they ever made a console themselves, it'd directly compete with the Switch and Deck. Not Sony or MS.

They already make the console, it's called iphone and ipad and makes them a shitton of cash

(or the meta quest)

>you can build a PC for the price of a console
Ok give me the part lists right now that would total up to $499 and be on par with the Xbox Series X

Because they dont want their computers to be used by fat, smelly moutbreathers who jerk off to 2D girls all day.
Whole multi million dollar brands have died because they were associated with the wrong types of people.

Secondly, they know gamers are a demanding bunch who will demand more power, more customizability, more access to the hardware and software. So rather than trying to woe a market group that will forever taint their brand, they've stayed clear of them all together.

Attached: jdjd.jpg (716x686, 142.76K)

what he said but it's getting ignored just as usual.
Apple arcade is a thing.

and mobile games are dogshit

Apple is doing everything they can to kill gaming on Mac computers.

Kill support for 32-bit binaries.
Kill OpenGL support.
Block Vulkan support.
Do nothing to improve drivers.
Ad-hoc notarization being mandatory for ARM apps (which caused Ethan Lee and Ryan C. Gordon to stop doing new Mac ports).
Treat indie developers like shit in general.
Try to push Metal, but without having a market share that could justify bothering with it.
Rosetta 2 will die sooner or later, and without it Mac gamers can kiss years of games goodbye, especially those with lost source code, made with closed-source game engines or licensing issues.

Here are some blog entries by Lee about the Macintosh question:
Lee also shared his thoughts about Mac gaming in the aftermath of Epic Games v. Apple and the transition from Intel 64 to ARM64 (pic related).

Attached: 1621220269772.png (712x1032, 60.91K)

It needs to be organized better for one then. Could use a dedicated Arcade launcher and Store.

Apple DID make a console... and it was shit. I think I'm finally getting to old for this shit.

What's your definition of a mobile game, any game you can play on a phone?

>Kill OpenGL support.
>Block Vulkan support.
They didn't block Vulkan. You can interface with it through Metal. They dropped OpenGL because of power consumption - their bread and butter is mobility. They could make their own API that was better and not fucking 30 years old and meant for PCs.